We Asked NBA All-Stars To Make The Ultimate Warmup Playlist

and 02.17.19 5 months ago

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NBA All-Star Weekend is an opportunity to check out the best basketball players in the world, but more broadly speaking, it’s a celebration basketball culture. From sneaker drops and pop-ups to parties and concerts, there’s an awful lot more to All-Star than the in-arena festivities.

Given how important music is to All-Star Weekend, with various artists performing at brand houses, parties, and at the game itself, we wanted to find out what the players are listening to. At All-Star Media Day and in our various sit-downs with players across the weekend we asked a very simple question: “If you had to pick one song for warmups to get ready for a game, what would it be?”

While players were able to immediately offer answers on hoops questions, we got a lot of answers for this prefaced with, “Ooh, that’s a tough one.” Most eventually were able to settle on their top warmup song, but some gave us a few artists they listen to, while a few simply couldn’t even narrow it down that far.

You can listen to the Spotify playlist with all the songs chosen by players at All-Star Weekend — J. Cole is heavily represented. It’s a pretty eclectic mix of new and old, with no duplicate artists outside of J. Cole. Below that, you can see who picked what (and a few answers that aren’t available on Spotify).

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