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John Rentoul

John Rentoul is The Independent’s chief political commentator, having worked for the title since 1995. He is also visiting professor at King’s College, London, and a prominent tweeter. He is the author of a biography of Tony Blair, among other books. As well as writing widely on politics, he contributes a weekly top 10 and Mea Culpa, a column about questions of style and usage

The crisis in policing shows the danger of a single-issue government

During the last election campaign, when politicians had to pay attention to what the voters care about, Theresa May paid the price for police cuts

Even a written constitution can’t save us from Brexit now

A codified constitution does not resolve conflict and contradiction, it just moves it somewhere else

This is what MPs are voting on tonight and why it really matters

The Cooper amendment will likely be narrowly defeated – but what exactly does that mean?

Amid chaos in parliament, only two Brexit votes actually matter

The Cooper-Boles amendment is only the beginning of the drama we can expect on Tuesday night