
Accenture Interactive Confirms It Intends to Purchase Social Media Outfit Adaptly

The consultancy continues buying its way into the industry.

White Ops Launched a PSA to Increase Public Awareness About Ad Fraud

The hope is that consumers will understand how vulnerable their computers are.

How WPP’s Essence Uses Machine Learning to Improve Media Buying Results

The programmatic specialist media agency wants to create an agency network fit for the contemporary marketplace.

Adobe Advertising Cloud Exec Who Brokered the TubeMogul Deal Is Leaving the Company

Brett Wilson is exiting two years after $540 million takeover.

How Firefly Is Trying to Make Its Drivers’ Car Roofs Into Advertising Real Estate

Its ad platform is debuting in San Francisco and Los Angeles Dec. 6.

Sen. Mark Warner Expresses ‘Grave Concerns’ About Digital Ad Fraud in Letter to the FTC

It's his second missive to the agency in 2 months.

The Necessary Growing Pains of Programmatic Are Evident in Latest Cutbacks

MediaMath confirms redundancies, echoing recent shakeups at OpenX and GroundTruth

Gannett Is Using Deep Learning to Determine Why Certain Ad Designs Work

The newspaper giant wants to beef up its local marketing services.

4 Ways Blockchain Can Address Some of Marketing’s Biggest Challenges

It can be used to solve issues that arise with data portability, the ad-tech tax, GDPR and more.

The Trade Desk Seeks New COO Following Rob Perdue’s Exit

He will transition out of the company in first half of 2019.

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