
You vs. We: Which Is the Best Way to Phrase a Campaign?

There's a clear winner in the debate over you-phrasing and we-phrasing. But you will need to read on to find out.

Your Connected TV Questions Answered

There’s no more time to take a wait-and-see approach to CTV. Get answers to your questions about the CTV opportunity.

Your 3-Minute Cheat Sheet to Great Mobile Creative

These five tips will help you take advantage of what consumers expect from mobile.

Do You Have a Visual Strategy for Your Digital Advertising?

How computer vision technology can improve your approach to visual marketing.

Why France Is the Next Silicon Valley

Historically, France has represented the crème de la crème in art, architecture, culture and cuisine. But perhaps lesser known is that France is also an epicenter of technology and innovation.

Why Total Transparency Is the New Norm for Agency-Client Relations

How to cultivate trust, transparency and satisfaction in the agency-client relationship.

Why Messaging Is Going to Become Your Most Important Marketing Channel

Brands like Lego, LiveNation and Acura are making messaging apps an important part of their marketing strategy.

Q&A: TIAA Leads with Values and Gets Results

Oath sits down with Mark Elliot, CMO of TIAA, winner of a 2018 Brandblazer award for its campaign on difference makers in the nonprofit sector, to discuss what it means to lead with values.

Fix These 4 Things Draining Your Creative Teams’ Productivity

Getting feedback and sign-off doesn’t have to be onerous or stressful. You just need to have the tools and procedures to get it done.

3 Keys to Mastering Mobile Landing Pages

When building your next digital marketing campaign, creating a continuous flow from mobile ad to landing page.

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