Kristina Monllos

Kristina Monllos

Kristina Monllos is a senior editor for Adweek.
Kristina Monllos is a senior editor for Adweek, where she specializes in covering brands, marketing innovation, consumer trends and pop culture.

Burger King Is Returning to the Super Bowl After 13 Years—Here’s Its Puzzling Teaser

The fast-food brand is partnering with DoorDash on Mystery Boxes.

Budweiser’s Clydesdales Are Back for a Renewable Energy Message With a Bob Dylan Soundtrack

Beer behemoth will offset power used during the Big Game

You Can’t Say ‘Porn’ in a Super Bowl Ad, So Devour Released an Uncensored Version of Its Spot

Kraft-Heinz's frozen brand also created a food porn hotline.

Kristin Chenoweth Teaches Dogs to Bark the Avocados From Mexico Jingle in Super Bowl Teaser

A 30-second spot will appear in the second quarter.

Michael Bublé Is Convinced Pepsi’s Bubly Is Misspelled in Super Bowl Teaser

Spot will introduce four new flavors.

Expense Management Platform Expensify Has Never Had a TV Ad. That Will Change in the Super Bowl

A 30-second spot will air during the second quarter.

If Your Team Wins the Super Bowl, Will Give You a Room to Make a Baby

They want people to channel their 'Big Game Energy'

Turkish Airlines Returns to the Super Bowl With a 30-Second Spot

It will air in the first quarter

Kraft-Heinz Is Pushing Its Frozen Food Brand During the Super Bowl With an ‘Edgy’ Campaign

It's the first time Devour will be in the Big Game.

Anheuser-Busch’s Biggest Super Bowl Push Ever: 5 Brands, 7 Products and More Than 5 Minutes of Airtime

Touting 3 newer products during the Big Game.

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