Katie Richards

Katie Richards

Katie Richards is a staff writer for Adweek, where she specializes in covering creative, media and strategy agencies, along with brands and marketing trends.

The Madison Square Garden Company Hires Former Hilton CMO to Lead Marketing Team

Geraldine Calpin will report to the company's president, Andrew Lustgarten.

Barnes & Noble Promotes Booksellers Over Algorithms to Get Shoppers In Stores

The brand worked with Havas to recast its employees as the all-knowing book people.

Bud Light Brings Its Love of Music and Sports Together With a Super Bowl Music Festival

Post Malone will perform, alongside other big names in music.

Budweiser Placed These Billboards Outside Competitors’ Offices to Celebrate the End of Prohibition

The brand partnered with Jim Beam to launch a new holiday in the U.S.

After 35 Years With Unilever, CMO Keith Weed Will Retire in 2019

The news follows a leadership shakeup in late November when CEO Paul Polman retired.

This Shop’s Name Is an Ode to the New York Public School System

PS260 launched shortly after 9/11, "a time we wanted to feel rooted" in the city, said Zarina Mak.

Squarespace’s Brand Refresh Was Inspired by the Energy, Movement and Grit of New York City

The brand has a new logo, typeface and an eye towards movement.

Unilever CEO Paul Polman Is Retiring After 10 Years With the Brand

Current president of beauty and personal care will take over in 2019.

NBA CMO Pam El Announces Plans to Retire at the End of 2018

She first joined the organization in 2014.

Spotify Unearths More Weird, Wonderful Data About Your Playlists and Listening Habits

This marks Year 3 of the brand's 'Wrapped' campaign.

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