This Finnish Newspaper Put the Year’s Ugliest News on Ugly Christmas Sweaters

TBWA\Helsinki helps put gravity on a holiday fashion tradition.

Put Down Your Phone. This Holiday Ad Reminds You Life’s Too Short to Not Spend It With Loved Ones

Leo Burnett Madrid’s site for Pernod Ricard brand is sobering yet hopeful.

A School Shooting Is Shown From the Last Perspective You’d Expect in New Sandy Hook PSA

BBDO New York again tells a story of danger brewing in plain sight.

The First Avengers: Endgame Trailer Is Exactly as Bleak as You’d Expect After Infinity War

But we do see a few familiar faces return.

YouTube Rewind 2018 Is Here, and It’s a Fortnite-Themed Mashup of All the Year’s Trends

Stars (and even commenters) decide what makes the cut on this year's packed-to-the-rafters wrapup video.

Zippo Trademarks Its Signature Click and Celebrates by Going All In on ASMR

BuzzFeed helps the brand mark its moment of audio triumph by letting amateurs try their hands at ASMR.

Powerful and Haunting, This Holiday Ad Highlights the Complex Stories in Our Own Families

Nord DDB creates an incredible 4-minute film for retailer Elkjøp.

In Nat Geo’s Stunning Ad, a Syrian Refugee Revisits Her Journey and Charts a Path to the Stars

Nujeen Mustafa tells her own story of escape, discovery and determination.

When Santa’s Naughty List Gets Leaked, One Kid Hatches a Plan to Turn Everyone Nice

Air New Zealand fuels a global summit to put kids, including a Trump-ish youngster, on a better path.

Santander’s Powerful AR Experience Shows the Misunderstood Realities of Homelessness

The bank puts you 'In Someone Else's Shoes' by sharing a woman's true story of living on the streets while employed.

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