Promova seu conteúdo

em nossa plataforma de marketing.

Outbrain Amplify:
Descoberta Gera Resultados

Outbrain advertising solution

Outbrain Amplify:
Descoberta Gera Resultados

Nós recomendamos seu conteúdo entre os sites dos maiores e mais respeitados grupos de mídia do país como a Editora Abril, Editora Globo e Folha de São Paulo e o difundimos para uma audiência qualificada e engajada, possibilitando que sua empresa conquiste os melhores resultados.

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Saiba como os anunciantes podem utilizar a Outbrain

A Outbrain Amplify é uma solução de distribuição de conteúdo para empresas de qualquer dimensão que oferece dados mensuráveis para verificação do alcance dos objetivos de marketing. Aqui você pode ler alguns casos de sucesso.

ToyotaOphira Avishai
Marketing Communication & Digital Director
"For the last several years, Outbrain has been playing a big role in toyota's "always on" strategy. The platform has helped us to improve ROI, optimize our remarking efforts, better engage with our customers all while providing an amazing online experience with TOYOTA."
Dentsu MediaAlex Naito
Regional Director
"Thanks to their focus on premium environment, Outbrain proved to be the best solution for brands' campaigns. The numbers speak for themselves."
BrooklinenJustin Lapidus
General Manager
"The team at Outbrain continue to provide us with new opportunities to scale our top of funnel efforts efficiently. Being able to slice up targeting by demographics, location, lookalikes, and interest groups finally allowed us to figure out what content we should serve to the right customer at the right time."
  • Toyota

    Ophira Avishai
    Marketing Communication & Digital Director

    "For the last several years, Outbrain has been playing a big role in toyota's "always on" strategy. The platform has helped us to improve ROI, optimize our remarking efforts, better engage with our customers all while providing an amazing online experience with TOYOTA."
  • Dentsu Media

    Alex Naito
    Regional Director

    "Thanks to their focus on premium environment, Outbrain proved to be the best solution for brands' campaigns. The numbers speak for themselves."
  • Brooklinen

    Justin Lapidus
    General Manager

    "The team at Outbrain continue to provide us with new opportunities to scale our top of funnel efforts efficiently. Being able to slice up targeting by demographics, location, lookalikes, and interest groups finally allowed us to figure out what content we should serve to the right customer at the right time."
Outbrain's publisher solution

Outbrain Engage:
A solução para os veículos de comunicação modernos

Otimize seu conteúdo, conecte-se com novas audiências e crie um relacionamento de longo prazo com os leitores. É a programação mais inteligente que maximiza o engajamento e proporciona os rendimentos mais elevados.

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Outbrain's publisher solution

Saia do lugar comum

"In the decade since we opened our doors, Outbrain has grown into a business that serves more than 275 billion monthly discovery recommendations, reaching in the region of a billion users every month across the globe. Our industry's rapid growth has been powered by both technological innovation and long-standing relationships with the world's biggest and best media owners and brands."

275BA audiência Global que a Outbrain alcança a cada mês.*

80%Total de recomendações que entregamos aos consumidores mensalmente.

* Público alcançado segundo comScore, janeiro de 2016


Temos 16 escritórios ao redor do mundo e parcerias com publishers e anunciantes em mais de 50 países incluindo EUA, Reino Unido, França, Brasil, Índia, e Japão.