Sammy Nickalls

Sammy Nickalls

Sammy Nickalls is departments editor at Adweek. Previously, she was night editor at Esquire. She's also the creator of #TalkingAboutIt.

Infographic: What Consumers Want From Branded Sweepstakes

For branded sweepstakes, marketers should stick to simple, authentic rewards.

The Best Shots From Adweek’s Hottest Los Angeles Events

From Elevate: Influencers to L.A. Brand Stars, Adweek had a busy week on the West Coast.

Infographic: Over Two-Thirds of Marketers Have Influencer Experience

Meanwhile, less than half have utilized TV advertising.

Infographic: Most Consumers Don’t Even Notice Store Closures

36% said they don't miss any shuttered retailers.

Adweek Continued Its City Spotlight Series by Celebrating Seattle’s Rising Brand Stars

Presented by Accenture Interactive.

Infographic: The Impact of the 2018 Midterms on Local TV Inventory

Data shows the election 'will be the most complex … our country has ever seen.'

Infographic: How Brands Can Target Millennial Women During the Holidays

They get their holiday gifting inspiration from friends, family and online shopping.

Adweek’s Third Elevate Installment Shed Light on Blockchain’s Effect on Advertisers and Publishers

With premier sponsor Adbank and partner sponsor Lucidity, the event was hosted by BCG.

Infographic: The Top Brands That Are Truly Capitalizing on Influencer Marketing

78% of fashion companies are implementing the tactic, compared to 65% in 2016.

Infographic: How Agencies Use Color in Their Logos

Blue is an incredibly popular choice, but why?

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