Janet Stilson

This Creative Shop Focuses on Women Over 40, a Group Advertising Often Ignores

Fancy wants to subvert marketing stereotypes.

This Refinery29 Co-founder Is No Stranger to Leaps of Faith

The digital media company wasn't Christene Barberich's first bold move—and it won't be her last.

Obviously Caters to Its Clients With an Army of Influencers

Half a million popular people help this shop give brands an extra edge.

Design Army Puts Visual Storytelling Above All Else

Picking clients very carefully is key to this D.C. agency.

Why CBD Marketers Are Turning to Endorsements to Get Their Message Out

The tactic is proving to be effective in promoting the non-intoxicating products

Pro Video Gaming Is Exploding in Popularity, and Activision Created an Overwatch League to Cash In

And it's basing teams in cities, like the NFL and MLB do.

Will Marketers Buy In to Google Preferred’s New Preroll Offering?

For YouTube, less will be more.

Why Marijuana Marketing Will Be Bigger Than Ever This Year

The cannabis business had some big wins during this year's election. Now, that's stimulating predictions of major greenback growth along with ever-more sophisticated marketing strategies on the part of cannabis companies.

Why Presidential Candidates Are Loading Up on Ads About Equal Pay and Abortion

When Donald Trump and Fox News' Megyn Kelly butted heads at the first GOP debate last August, it was the prelude to what would become a dominant topic in this election cycle, and in campaign advertising: women.

What It Means for Consumers and Brands That New York Is Becoming a ‘Smart City’

On a sunny January day, a young mother strolled along New York's West 107th Street, explaining a strange phenomenon to her son. Before cellphones, there used to be these things along the sidewalks you could put a coin in and make a telephone call from, she told her bewildered child. She might as well have been describing a wringer washing machine.

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