The Adweek Staff’s Favorite Holiday Ads of All Time

From Hershey's to Hess classics.

Can You Figure Out Which Made-for-TV Holiday Movies Are Fake?

Yes, Pride, Prejudice and Mistletoe is a real film.

How a 50-Year-Old Speech Recognition Technology Became Today’s Voice Assistant

91 million people in the U.S. use this tech at least once a month.

Disney Celebrates Mickey Mouse’s 90th Birthday With an Immersive Pop-Up Exhibit

Because people can't get enough of M-I-C-K-E-Y.

For Singles Day, J&J Worked With Alibaba to Develop New Listerine Flavors. So We Taste Tested Them

We put the two new flavors—Rosemary Blossom and Vanilla Breeze—to the test.

Why Do Some Subway Ads Get Rejected for Being ‘Overtly Sexual’ and Others Don’t?

Brands like Unbound and Thinx have had a tough time with the approvals process.

This Norwegian Lifestyle Brand Offered the Ultimate Rideshare Experience—in a Lamborghini

Swimspool took riders in Manhattan or London to any location for a day.

Video: Why Google Built This Pop-Up Hardware Store

The tech giant's third year of experiential shops for its newest products seeks to change how consumers interact and learn.

Video: Will This Electric Skateboard Solve the ‘Last Mile’ Commute?

Tech companies see an opportunity to solve an infrastructure challenge.

Video: What We Can Learn From the Impact of Streetwear on Retail

Brands reveal insights that extend far beyond the fashion industry.

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