This Is Brandweek

An inside look at the re-emergence of a brand

M.Gemi Founder Cheryl Kaplan on Choosing the Right Influencers and the Value of Authenticity

Cheryl Kaplan, M.Gemi's founder and president, spoke at Brandweek about how the luxury shoe brand fosters word-of-mouth advertising.

Relive Brandweek Through Some of the Most Insightful Tweets From the Movement

Attendees share insights about Kevin Hart, Away and more.

3 Factors Marketers Should Keep in Mind for Maximum Brand Impact

Leesa Eichberger of Farmers Group explains the three takeaways every brand needs to learn if they don’t want to become irrelevant.

Home Chef Uses a ‘Keep It Simple’ Approach to Distinguish Itself in a Crowded Market

The meal-kit delivery service focuses on 'meat and potatoes' meals.

Beautyrest Changes the Conversation Around Sleep as Its Industry Undergoes Disruption

The legacy brand is focusing on driving communication with consumers.

Inside Papa John’s Transformation: How Diversity and Marketing Leaders Are Changing the Brand

A new campaign and a focus on diversity and inclusion are on the docket.

Mastering These 2 Challenges Is Imperative for Brands, Say Execs From BET and Spotify

Execs from Spotify, BET, IBM iX and Farmers Group discuss technologies and other factors shaping their work in brand marketing today.

Video: Target’s All-Female Creative Team for Swimwear Rolled the Dice for This Campaign

"It felt like a small step that was the right thing to do," said CMO Rick Gomez.

Video: How Levi’s Assessed a Tumultuous Political Landscape and Used Jeans to Bridge the Divide

Global Brands CMO Jennifer Sey spoke at Brandweek on how differences connect people.

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