Second Poster From 'The Prodigy' is the Creepiest Family Portrait Ever

Second Poster From ‘The Prodigy’ is the Creepiest Family Portrait Ever

Posted by January 3, 2019 Comment

The final poster for February’s horror film The Prodigy has debuted, and it is maybe the creepiest family portrait you will see this week. It takes your eyes a second to notice what is wrong with this picture, and then you notice what is making them so uncomfortable. Well, at least one of them. The boy Miles looks like he is ok. Check it out below:

The Prodigy Poster 2

Taylor Schilling stars in The Prodigy as Sarah, a mother whose young son Miles’ disturbing behavior signals that an evil, possibly supernatural force has overtaken him. Fearing for her family’s safety, Sarah must grapple with her maternal instinct to love and protect Miles in favor of investigating what — or who — is causing his dark turn. She is forced to look for answers in the past, taking the audience on a wild ride; one where the line between perception and reality remains blurry.

If you haven’t seen it yet, the trailer is below as well:

Taylor Schilling (Orange is the New Black), Jackson Robert Scott (ItFear the Walking Dead), Peter Mooney (Burden of Truth), Colm Feore (Thor) and Brittany Allen (Jigsaw) star in the Nicholas McCarthy (The Pact) directed film.

The Prodigy opens in theaters on February 8th, 2019.

About Jeremy Konrad

Jeremy Konrad collects way too much stuff. He loves baseball, Funko Pops, Star Wars, and wrestling. He resides in the Upside Down, waiting for Hopper to rescue him. Follow him on Twitter @jeremyohio

(Last Updated January 2, 2019 10:09 pm )

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