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  • Series Premiere Date: Mar 31, 2017
Season #: 1, 2
13 Reasons Why Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critics What's this?

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  • Summary: Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette) finds a shoe box of cassette tapes from Hannah (Katherine Langford), a classmate he had a crush on that had committed suicide two weeks ago. On tape, Hannah explains that each tape explains how 12 students played a role in her death in this drama series based onClay Jensen (Dylan Minnette) finds a shoe box of cassette tapes from Hannah (Katherine Langford), a classmate he had a crush on that had committed suicide two weeks ago. On tape, Hannah explains that each tape explains how 12 students played a role in her death in this drama series based on the book by Jay Asher. Expand
  • Genre(s): Drama


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13 Reasons Why
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
  1. Reviewed by: Melanie McFarland
    Mar 31, 2017
    Langford and Minnette are the magnetic core of this drama. Separately and together, they have a dynamic chemistry that glows when they share the screen and energizes their scenes with others.
  2. Reviewed by: Alan Sepinwall
    Mar 23, 2017
    It’s a tough story. An honest story. And a story that beautifully connects its Baker’s dozen of tales and characters with each other, and the audience, even though there are some bumps and missteps along the way.
  3. Reviewed by: Brian Lowry
    Mar 29, 2017
    In a sense, 13 Reasons Why turns its audience into voyeuristic bystanders as well. Yet while Hannah's fate isn't pleasant, as presented in this enticing, slickly constructed package, it's hard to look away.
  4. Reviewed by: Dan Fienberg
    Mar 27, 2017
    A steady 13-episode descent into grief and emotional confusion, 13 Reasons Why is an honorably mature piece of young-adult adaptation, fleshing out Jay Asher's well-regarded novel in a way that allows its cold-hearted high-school environment to breathe while revolving around tremendous lead turns by Dylan Minnette and particularly Australian newcomer Katherine Langford.
  5. Reviewed by: Aubrey Page
    Mar 30, 2017
    For all the teen angst and buzzy butterfly stomachs,13 Reasons Why is an incredibly mature and a devastating look at the ripple effects of loss.
  6. Reviewed by: David Wiegand
    Mar 29, 2017
    For the record, both Minnette and Langford are so good, you almost forget they are too old to be playing high school sophomores. While the script may be overly contrived at times, it at least aims to make its points about teen suicide through drama and only occasionally resorting to speechifying.
  7. Reviewed by: Hank Stuever
    Mar 30, 2017
    A passive-aggressive, implausibly meandering, poorly written and awkwardly acted effort that is mainly about miscommunication, delivering no more wisdom or insight about depression, bullying and suicide than one of those old “ABC Afterschool Specials” people now mock for being so corny.

See all 17 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 64 out of 113
  2. Negative: 32 out of 113
  1. Apr 16, 2017
    One of the Greatest TV Series of 21st Century with its strong message and true depiction on Teen suicide. The TV series has brilliantOne of the Greatest TV Series of 21st Century with its strong message and true depiction on Teen suicide. The TV series has brilliant performances the whole cast with great use of film making techniques with a compelling script. A must see series for all the teenagers . Expand
  2. Jun 4, 2017
    This show is amazing in so many ways. The storyline is great. The acting is good. And there's many scenes that make you want to cry. It'sThis show is amazing in so many ways. The storyline is great. The acting is good. And there's many scenes that make you want to cry. It's really good in so many ways. If you haven't watched 13 Reasons Why, you should watch it now. You won't regret it. Expand
  3. Mar 31, 2017
    The first thing I want to say before I start, is that I do not binge watch TV series. It's extremely rare for me, and I often don't evenThe first thing I want to say before I start, is that I do not binge watch TV series. It's extremely rare for me, and I often don't even finish the season. This TV series had me hooked from start to finish and I spent all day watching it.

    While I was watching I was thinking - this is absolutely brilliant TV. However, by then end of it, I was thinking - that was so powerful and emotional to watch. I could barely watch the final few episodes, because I was so engrossed in the story and it does becomes quite graphic. I will say no more.

    Easily the best TV series I have watched in many many years, and an absolute must watch show.
  4. Dec 3, 2017
    13 reasons why pode ser a melhor série teen de 2017 e isso deve ao fato de que a primeira temporada trata diversos assuntos de maneira13 reasons why pode ser a melhor série teen de 2017 e isso deve ao fato de que a primeira temporada trata diversos assuntos de maneira calculada,mesmo que intensa.É uma das séries que abre questionamentos e debates quanto aos diversos temas relacionados. Expand
  5. Apr 25, 2017
    i really think this tv show is well made and very emotional and most of the people saying that it talks about a real problem and it gives ai really think this tv show is well made and very emotional and most of the people saying that it talks about a real problem and it gives a really good message to the society but i also think that this scenario gives a wrong message too . because anything that happened in the series is something that any person in the world could have face , and everyone can make mistakes in their life especially when you are a teenager.. its not a good message that someone must kill themself to punish all the others , a persons life is their own matter and responsibility if someone for instance hanah really wanted to make her life beautiful she could have done it with countless ways . except of that just choses to kill herself and make a leaving hell for anyone who ever loved her.. when other kids has not even food to eat and a bed to sleep but they keep fighting because thats how life is.. anw i really enjoyed this show but i just really dont think this gives a really good example to the world.. i also fell offended because me personally have clinical depression for years and i have lost almost everything.. and this show hurt me because it shows that healthy people make huge drama about their own little problems but they cant see the people who really suffers and dying every day all around the globe Expand
  6. Apr 20, 2017
    The motivations that trigger most of the conflicts are weak, the discussions escalate exaggeratedly quick (even for teenager standards) justThe motivations that trigger most of the conflicts are weak, the discussions escalate exaggeratedly quick (even for teenager standards) just so they can justify the change of each character's behavior, too convenient for the plot. It is unnatural to just be besties at a moment and suddenly worst enemies in a second or vice versa, that just reveals a lazy script writing.

    The struggle that Hannah went through was more related to her own bad decisions and her own poor ability to communicate, and that makes the plot even weaker. Maybe we can make a "13 reasons why crappy content becomes trendy".

    The music is good, I love the selection for its soundtrack.
  7. May 15, 2018
    **** terrible ,dumb,stupid,generic,formulaic,terrible characters,terrible writing,mmm intresting music choices but over all a terrible **** show

See all 113 User Reviews


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