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Adweek is proud to announce the inaugural Adweek Experiential Awards – honoring the finest in experiential brand marketing.

As consumers continue to move away from interruptive advertising, brands are shifting the focus to creating experiences for consumers that are in sync with personal passion points and their omnichannel journeys. Experiential activations have grown from a niche and add-on category to a dynamic and highly creative arena for brands distinct from traditional forms of marketing. As a result, the biggest producers, executives and talent in the business are deploying increasingly ambitious–and effective–experiential brand campaigns.

The Adweek Experiential Awards celebrates the creativity, originality and entrepreneurialism coming out of this rapidly growing sector of the brand marketing ecosystem.

Submissions are accepted across 40 categories and judged by a panel of senior Adweek editors and writers. Award winners will be announced in the Adweek Experiential Awards issue of Adweek and featured on Adweek.com in March 2019.


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