
These Are the Conversion Tactics That Work

Find out more about the most important trends and tactics that will define ad tech in 2019.

When It Comes to Cookies, Don’t Settle for Crumbs of Customer and Prospect Data

Cookies may be sweetly tempting, but ultimately, they provide only empty calories in the form of disconnected identification and data loss.

The Right Mix of Data and Expertise Is the Recipe for Influencer Marketing Success

It’s not just the type or amount of data that matters. It’s what you do with it.

Are Your Ads Emotionally Unavailable?

Research shows there is still a significant and exciting correlation between the emotions an article elicits and the engagement rate of the ads within it.

Why “Small Data” Is Actually the Key to Great Customer Experience

In today’s era of digital transformation, customer insight has gone from being a “nice to have” and become central to fueling customer experience.

72 Percent of Marketers Are About to Change Their Primary KPIs

Download an exclusive survey of 1,000 U.S. digital marketers on how they are approaching media accountability.

Here’s How to Put Together the Best Marketing Software Platform

The truth is, most entrepreneurs didn’t get into business because they love messing around with technology. Download the report to learn more about how to simplify your marketing stack approach.

Mobile Programmatic Ad Spend Grew 308 Percent This Year

Few trends have been as disruptive as programmatic buying, and there has been a major shift taking place in the mobile ad space.

The New Standard in Reaching U.S. Hispanics

We’re seeing new competitors and our audiences shifting the ways they consume media.

Interactive Video Can Be a Lot More Than Just Shoppable

Current video links can go beyond simply connecting people to a place to buy a product. They can create an even richer experience by helping viewers engage more deeply with the topic.

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