Netflix Sets Guillermo del Toro’s ‘Pinocchio’ and Henry Selick’s ‘Wendell & Wild’ for 2021

     November 6, 2018

guillermo-del-toro-pinocchio-release-dateEarlier today, Netflix unveiled an impressive slate of upcoming animated projects that include TV series and films from some of the industry’s top talent. Along with the newly revealed names and titles were other previously announced pictures, specifically two projects we’ve been talking about for years: Guillermo del Toro‘s lifelong passion project Pinocchio, and Henry Selick‘s triumphant return to the director’s chair after nearly a decade in Wendell & Wild. Both of those stop-motion animated films–a first for del Toro and familiar territory for Selick–landed a 2021 release date from Netflix today, putting a solid endpoint on the long-gestating productions at long last.

Here’s everything you need to know about the pair of stop-motion animated films coming to Netflix in just a few short years:

PINOCCHIO (2021) is the animated feature film directorial debut of Academy Award winning filmmaker Guillermo del Toro (The Shape of Water). Pinocchio is his lifelong passion project, which he will also write and produce as a stop-motion musical. Del Toro has set his retelling of the classic tale of Pinocchio in Italy during the 1930s. Pinocchio is a production of Guillermo del Toro, The Jim Henson Company (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance), and ShadowMachine (Bojack Horseman), which will house the stop-motion animation production. Alongside del Toro, Lisa Henson, ShadowMachine’s Alex Bulkley, Corey Campodonico, and Gary Ungar of Exile Entertainment will produce. Blanca Lista will co-produce. Also alongside del Toro, Patrick McHale (Over The Garden Wall) will co-write the script, Mark Gustafson (Fantastic Mr. Fox) will co-direct, and Guy Davis will serve as co-production designer, taking inspiration from Gris Grimly’s original design for the Pinocchio character. The film’s puppets will be built by Mackinnon and Saunders (Corpse Bride).

WENDELL & WILD (2021) is an animated feature film from writer/director Henry Selick (Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline) and writer Jordan Peele (Key & Peele, Get Out) with Monkeypaw Productions. Two demon brothers (voiced by Keegan Michael Key and Jordan Peele) escape the Underworld and find themselves in a town where they must evade a demon-duster teenager, Kat, who is trying to destroy them. Peele is also producing through his Monkeypaw company along with Selick and Ellen Goldsmith-Vein from the Gotham Group. Sarah Serata will co-produce. Executive producers are Win Rosenfeld for Monkeypaw, Peter Principato and Joel Zadak for Principato-Young, Lindsay Williams and Eddie Gamarra for The Gotham Group. Argentinian artist Pablo Lobato will design the characters.

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