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Comixology discounts hundreds of digital comics for New York Comic-Con

Catch up with Venom, Aquaman, Captain Marvel and Sabrina

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New York Comic-Con is this weekend and Digital comics distributor Comixology is celebrating the East Coast’s largest pop culture and comics convention with a massive sale on hundreds of titles, from massive hits to weird indies.

Comixology’s sale is divided into sections, with collections of comics grouped by publisher, hero or theme. The DC Volume 1 Sale discounts the first volumes in some of the publisher’s best series, including my personal favorite, Batgirl of Burnside, to $5 each. Nearly every Walking Dead comic ever published is at least 50 percent off. There are four horror sales just in time for Halloween. And that’s just a few of the 20 collections on sale, most of which include at least 50 titles.

Between the MCU, DC Extended Universe, and Netflix’s Archie reboots, there is about to be an abundance of comic book-based media properties to consume. This is a great time to catch up with Venom, Captain Marvel, Aquaman and Sabrina Spellman before their upcoming big- or small-screen debuts.

For the full list of comics on sale this weekend, head over to Comixology’s sale page. Some highlights from the sale are below.