James Freeman

James Freeman

Assistant editor, editorial page, The Wall Street Journal


James Freeman is assistant editor of The Wall Street Journal's editorial page and author of the weekday Best of the Web column and newsletter. He writes about business, finance and taxes among other issues, and is a contributor to the FOX News Channel. Before joining the Journal in September 2007, he served as investor advocate at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, where he encouraged the transformation of financial reporting technology to benefit individual investors.

He is a graduate of Yale, where he serves on the board of the William F. Buckley, Jr. Program. Follow James on Twitter @FreemanWSJ and Google+



America Works

September 14, 2018 09:53 pm ET

Readers report on a place where markets thrive and a place where they didn’t.


More Hurricane Arguments

September 14, 2018 09:38 pm ET

Crack news organizations deployed narratives ahead of the storm.


Peak China?

September 10, 2018 09:12 pm ET

Alibaba’s executive chairman Jack Ma decides to retire.


Trump Eyes a Japan Trade Fight

September 6, 2018 06:55 pm ET

In a Thursday phone call, the President sounds courteous and stable, but unfortunately still focused on trade deficits.