Aziz Ansari to Tackle “Sex, Racism, Tacos” in New Netflix Series

     October 7, 2015


We’ve yet to hear what exactly Master of None, Aziz Ansari‘s hugely anticipated Netflix comedy series, is all about, other than being a relationship comedy starring Ansari as Dev, a fledgling actor living in New York City. It’s given the show a certain air of mystery, but also bodes well for what Ansari is cooking up: the less limitations set up by the central premise, the most chances there are for actually daring comedy and plot turns in the series. Now, we’ve got our first look at the series in the form of a photo featuring Ansari and co-star Nöel Well, who has done some excellent work on YouTube and Saturday Night Live. Again, the image doesn’t reveal much of anything, beyond the fact that Ansari will dress as snazzily as Tommy Haverford did in Parks & Recreation and enjoys going to bars. Thankfully, a recent press release has shined a brighter light on what Master of None is all about, highlighting the show’s focus on “ageism, sex, relationships, racism, tacos.”

Here’s the official synopsis for Master of None:

The show follows the personal and professional lives of Dev, a 30-year-old actor in New York who has trouble deciding what he wants to eat, much less the pathway for the rest of his life. Ambitious, funny, cinematic, and both sweeping in scope and intensely personal, Dev’s story takes him through subjects as diverse as the plight of the elderly, the immigrant experience, and how to find the most delicious pasta for dinner.

Here’s the full first image from Master of None, with Ansari and Well:


Image via Netflix

Speaking of Parks & Recreation, Michael Schur is also on board as a producer of Master of None, and the supporting cast includes the brilliant H. Jon Benjamin, Eric Wareheim, Ravi Patel, and Lena Waithe. On top of that, the series will also co-star Ansari’s own parents, Fatima and Shoukath, to play Dev’s parents in the Netflix series. Speaking with People recently, the comedian had this to say about casting his parents:

“It was definitely hard because they’d never acted before, and I think when you’re trying to get someone who’s a non-actor to do these things, the tricky part is teaching them to stop trying and to be very natural and not try to be funny…So it took a little bit to get that, but they picked up pretty fast. They were both really good. It makes you realize how easy acting is.”

Though the image isn’t revealing, it certainly keeps the coals hot for anticipation for Master of None, especially as a platform for one of the most inventive and unique comics currently working in film, television, and the stand-up circuit.


Image via NBC
