Daredevil season 3 sounds like it’s hit the Bullseye with Wilson Bethel

One of the villains of Daredevil season 3 has been a closely guarded secret, but it sounds like a new member of the cast will definitely hit the mark with fans.

There are three antagonists who most fans would say are synonymous with Daredevil, and the Netflix series has already given us two of them in Wilson Fisk (a.k.a. the Kingpin) and Elektra. If a new report is accurate — and the character it involves is always exactly that — the final member of the trio has already been cast for the upcoming season 3.

That Hashtag Show (via our sister site, Netflix Life) claims that Wilson Bethel, who was announced as a cast member playing an FBI agent, is really playing Bullseye, one of Matt Murdock’s most infamous foes. The site doesn’t cite any specific information in its report but does mention the Marvel MAX version of the character as possible inspiration, and it is known that there will be a mystery villain in season 3 that Marvel has been keeping close to the vest, so the rumor does make sense, especially when you consider that Bethel’s character is described as needing “the structure of the bureau to keep the darkness inside him subdued.”

In any incarnation, there’s plenty of darkness inside Bullseye, a flat out crazy assassin and marksman with no true superpowers but an uncanny ability to hit what he aims at with any weapon, real or improvised. In the comics, he’s served as an assassin for Fisk on several occasions, so there’s history there that the Marvel Netflix series can draw upon.

However, by far the most famous comic book storyline involving Bullseye was one cooked up by the legendary Frank Miller. That one saw Bullseye kill Elektra (she got better, because comics) to try regaining Fisk’s favor, then battling an enraged Daredevil, who came close to killing him. In the hospital where Bullseye ended up, Matt Murdock visited him and subjected him to a two-man game of Russian roulette, albeit one where the gun was secretly unloaded.

With Elektra already dead in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Daredevil won’t be able to go all the way there, but fans will still be psyched if Bullseye is indeed part of the upcoming season 3 mix. It’s a big role for Bethel, too as he’s a TV veteran but has rarely had a chance to sink his teeth into as meaty a role as this one figures to be.

As is its way, Netflix has yet to reveal a release date for Daredevil season 3, but it is expected to be the next Marvel series to hit the streaming service after Luke Cage season 2 arrives in June. Filming was taking place in New York City as of April, and it seems likely we’ll see the Man Without Fear, and apparently Bullseye as well, sometime this fall.

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