
“Gal Pal” Heart Pin Set: A Perfect Valentine’s Gift for Every Imperfect Person You Love the Most

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Remember in the ’90s when you’d get a “Best Friends” necklace and one of you would get “Best” and the other would get “Friends” and it didn’t really matter what side you got all that mattered was that now everybody knew that you and her were serious about each other, like very serious, maybe not serious in the exact way that you wished you were serious with her, but still quite very serious?


Monday Roundtable: Are We Your (Enneagram) Type?

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A few months ago, some of us took the Enneagram test and felt extremely uncomfortable with the truths it revealed about us. As fun as that was, we thought it would be even more fun to make even more Autostraddle staff do it and also share their results with a large audience. Let’s see if we were right!