Brand Marketing

Twitter Tries Comedy in Two New Ads That Really Get Back to Basics

How to use Twitter, for those who haven't tried it.

40% of Millennial Women Say Instagram Is the Best Way for Brands to Reach Them, Per Bustle

Study found that social media is the most effective way to connect.

HP Created 2 Delightful Holiday Films, Reminding the World to Come Together

Brand CMO Antonio Lucio said he wants HP to be a brand that stands the test of time by connecting with consumers.

Why Bursting-Briefs Brand 2(X)ist Is Actually Toning Down the Beefcake

So long, supermodel studs—and welcome everybody else.

Lessons Learned From the 5 Biggest Brand Fails of 2017: Uber, Pepsi, Dove and More

The big takeaway: Don't exploit people's pain for an ad.

Kids Dreamed Up a Dozen Stunts That WestJet Then Livestreamed for Its Christmas Campaign

The latest from an acclaimed holiday advertiser.

This Company Wants to Turn More Taxpayers Into Tax Slayers

A scrappy software provider jousts with the mighty TurboTax.

Ecommerce Company ThredUP Rolls Out AI-Powered ‘Goody Boxes’ to Rival Discount Clothing Chains

The company presents a new way to hunt for a bargain without leaving your couch.

Pro Skier Julian Carr Launches Kickstarter to Fund Super Bowl Spot About Climate Change

Goodby, Silverstein & Partners will create the ad if crowdfunding proves successful.

Super Bowl LII Ad Tracker: All About the Big Game’s 2018 Commercials

A frequently updated roster.

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