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Guillermo Del Toro And Mr. Beaks Discuss DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK, PACIFIC RIM And The Far-From-Used-Up Future Of AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS!

DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK is a long-overdue return to the big haunted house movies of the ‘60s and ‘70s. Set on a sprawling, autumnal New England estate that should instantly evoke childhood nightmares, it relies heavily on atmosphere and a fear of unreasonably spacious basements to work the viewer over. But the menace doesn’t stop at the basement; it extends to every shadowy corner of this film’s enormous, seemingly-designed-by-Evil mansion, and, most disconcertingly, straight down a narrow abyss to an unseen realm governed by ugly little beasts desperate for a new playmate - and once they’re set free from their cellar prison, they’ll stop at nothing to claim one.

This is, of course, a remake of the memorable ABC TV movie that freaked out a whole generation of horror fans back in 1973. One of these fans was a nine-year-old Guillermo del Toro, who, given the then-absence of video cassette recorders, was forced to commit every frightening moment to memory. Over the years, his imagination got the better of him, leading to embellishment and, ultimately, the development of his own version of the John Newland-directed, Nigel McKeand-scripted original.

While the 1973 yarn had Kim Darby frantically trying to convince her husband that she was being stalked by tiny monsters with raisiny noggins, Del Toro’s story is told largely from the point of view of a neglected little girl (Bailee Madison) who’s been passed over to her preoccupied architect father (Guy Pearce) by her Hollywood scene-hopping mom. Finally, DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK is – bullshit R-rating be damned - the kid-skewing horror flick it should’ve been all along, a girl-who-cried-monster tale that will give ten-year-olds nightmares for weeks.

Though del Toro is only credited as a producer and co-writer on DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK, the sensibility is entirely his – meaning it’s as close to a new del Toro movie as we’re going to get until July 2013, which is when his shrouded-in-secrecy kaiju epic, PACIFIC RIM, is due in theaters. That’ll make it seven years in between movies for one of our most talented filmmakers, a delay that’s flat-out heartbreaking when you consider how close he came to realizing his dream project, an unflinchingly faithful adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s classic novella AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS.

As you’ll read in the below interview, del Toro is still smarting a little from Universal Studios’ last-second halting of AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS, but he is boldly moving forward with PACIFIC RIM. Del Toro knows what’s at stake here, and he is throwing all of his considerable creative energies into designing the “finest fucking monsters” and “greatest fucking robots” ever seen on the big screen. While he wasn’t in an elaborative mood with regards to PACIFIC RIM’s story when we spoke via phone a week ago (for fear of giving too much away way too early), he was more than happy to talk about DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK, the future of AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS, his in-development of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (starring Emma Watson) and, finally, his favorite movie monsters.


Mr. Beaks: What was your introduction to the DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK? How long have you been aware of the TV movie?

Guillermo del Toro: I saw it right when it premiered. I was nine or ten years old when it premiered on TV and back. That was the golden era of TV movies, and more than anything with horror and suspense. You were getting good stuff in the ‘70s by Dan Curtis. He did TRILOGY OF TERROR, NIGHT STALKER, NIGHT STRANGLER and THE NORLISS TAPES. And then you were getting things like DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK, or Spielberg was doing DUEL.
The horror movie of the week for us back then was a big deal. I don’t think there’s anything comparable now. We gathered around the TV, and we saw it right when it came on. Back then, it was the scariest thing we had ever seen. I mean, we were groomed on NIGHT GALLERY - and we were definitely not expecting [DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK] to be that scary with that downbeat ending. It had a lot of stuff going for it that was interesting. It made a huge impression. I was obsessed for years, and I’ve been obsessed for years to the point that about three years ago, before I made the movie, I put an offer on the house from the original TV movie, which is in California. I wanted to buy the house to turn it into Bleak House, my man-cave. Unfortunately, it’s a little too far from LA, but I still have hopes one day of owning that house.

Beaks: (Laughs) But will you walk down into the basement with the lights off?

Del Toro: (Laughs) Probably not. But it became a matter of absolute obsession, this movie. For many many years and as I said, this is the around the time you were getting BAD RONALD. Even Spielberg did a scary movie called SOMETHING EVIL, and all of these movies nested in my brain. I would have loved to have worked in that format. It was very creative, very free. So I wanted to make something that evoked that spirit. Back in those days we didn’t have VHS or video, so there was no way to see the movie again. So from the age of nine or ten, when I saw it, until the age of twenty or so, I kept recounting the story to my friends verbally. You told your friends at school, and you talked to people who had not seen it and people that had seen it. And through the years, I came up with a few ideas that, when I finally saw the movie again, I realized they were not in the original movie. I had invented them. (Laughs) So when the time came, I personally chased the rights to the movie. I got the rights for myself on my own in the ‘90s, and I co-wrote the screenplay with Matthew Robbins in 1998. So this project has been with me for sixteen years, more or less.

Beaks: I probably first saw the movie when I was six or seven years old, and it terrified me. And because I saw it at such a young age, I’ve always thought of it as a children’s horror movie – even though the story is about adults. But your film is, I think, for kids. It’s going to scare the crap out of them, and give them nightmares, but I think it’s something that they will really enjoy once they’ve endured it.

Del Toro: That was the original intention of this version, to make it PG-13. But the MPAA said it was “pervasively scary”. They said it was not about cutting this or cutting that; it was about the movie being scary and adult, and the intensity level of that fear, so they gave us a hard R. There’s no nudity, no profanity, no graphic violence, but they just felt that way. Frankly, that was one of the last battles this movie had to wage, which is when Miramax got sold for the third time. We were trying to get the movie to the screen without it being mutilated in a PG-13 form you know, so we found FilmDistrict, who agreed to distribute it intact - not cut, not PG-13. We were fortunate to preserve it this way.

Beaks: How do you feel about children watching horror films? At what age do you think they could handle your version of DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK?

Del Toro: Frankly, I’m the worst person to ask this question. In other words, I have never had a normal life to have a real parallel. My children, personally, whenever they want to watch a horror movie, I’m delighted, but I have two girls, so they don’t like the genre as much as I do. But, for example, we play very graphic horror video games together, so I am not the president of the parenting board. As far as I’m concerned, horror movies are great; monsters are an integral part of childhood for me. I don’t know. I would be the worst judge for this socially.

Beaks: How did you arrive at the design of the monsters and their portrayal? As you’ve said, they’re little assholes

Del Toro: We went to Bleak House, which is my home office, and we locked up Troy Nixey and a painter called Chet Zar and an illustrator called Keith Thompson. I would show up in the morning and talk to them; they would show me what they had done, I’d give them a couple of ideas, then left them. Then I came back in the afternoon and saw what they were doing, and all of a sudden there was a very quick domino between Chet and Keith and then finally Troy. And Troy is one of the best illustrators working today in the comic field; he came up with the final look. But what we agreed upon, since we were changing the origin of the creatures, and we were changing the basic setup of the characters… we were changing so much that I thought it would be great if we could honor the design of the creatures originally, which was very quirky and strange. They had this hairy body and sort of prune-like faces. They looked like little mini-mummies, with hairy bodies. We wanted to update that design, but also honor it. Troy was the true architect of that. He did the definitive design on the pictures. And then what we did was to make a maquette and make different faces, so that the bodies would be more or less the same, but with little changes. I thought they came out really great. In an oblique way, I set up the movie in Lovecraft territory, because I think in an oblique way the characters are also an homage to “Dreams in the Witch House”, a short story by Lovecraft that has a character who has the body of a rat and the face of a man. There’s this little character called Brown Jenkins, who is really, really creepy.

Beaks: I’m just going to very inelegantly jump to talking about kaiju. Are you reinventing this genre right now [with PACIFIC RIM]?

Del Toro: No, I can’t say very much because I’m being closely watched. What we are doing is trying to honor the kaiju genre, which I love, but we are not using any of the famous kaiju, like Godzilla. We are just inventing kaijus right now, and we have a great, great group of designers working on it. When I was a kid, I used to draw robots and monsters, and then I would do sort of cut-views of them, so I would see the internal structure of the robot; I would have a little area for the fuel, another area for the gears, another area for… you kind of broke down the robot, and all of the parts and all of the organs and all of that. Now we are doing that day-in and day-out twenty-four-seven; we are doing it for real. I think that’s what is great, to make one of these movies with a very sharp eye towards spectacle and detail.

Beaks: Are you going for something very photoreal, very realistic? Or is this more stylized? What’s the aesthetic?

Del Toro: I think that if you know the kaiju style… kaijus are essentially outlandish in a way, but on the other hand they come sort of in families: you’ve got the reptilian kaiju, the insect kaiju, the sort of crustacean kaiju. They come in almost quite defined families. So to take an outlandish design and then render it with an attention to real animal anatomy and detail is interesting.

Beaks: Are we going to see anything like the Gargantuas in this movie?

Del Toro: (Laughs) I love the Gargantuas and I love FRANKENSTEIN CONQUERS THE WORLD, but no nothing like that.

Beaks: I’m really curious about what this film means for your career. You’ve been keeping very busy, but projects have come and gone, and it must be really frustrating, Do you feel like PACIFIC RIM is the movie where you’re going to kick down the door and say, “Alright motherfuckers, let me do what I do.”

Del Toro: I think so. I mean, that’s the whole purpose of getting involved with it. I started getting involved with it much earlier; eight or nine months before I came on board as the director, I was on as producer, and I was plotting the movie with Travis [Beacham]. We were designing the world, so as to have a sort of bible of it. And the moment when the possibility arose of me actually taking over as director, it was, to me, a complete blessing. I love what we are doing with this. I think by the time we go to shoot, it will be four years almost since I’ve directed - three years for sure - so I welcome it. I love it. I was really shaken by the MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS, the debacle; it was really difficult. But I’m adoring what we are doing, and I’m having a blast. In between, there were other movies that were lurking at that time other than PACIFIC RIM, but I chose PACIFIC RIM precisely because it’s a perfect match with what I want to do. The scale of it is fantastic.

Beaks: But how are you not going to do AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS after this movie? It’s got to be done, right?

Del Toro: Yeah, you know, I think that what I want to do is make sure… [MOUNTAINS] has been with me for so long, that I want to make sure that we go into it with a studio that supports the right rating, the right format, and that it’s done the right way. But I quit making plans like that, because the last few years have taught me that the more you make plans, the more God laughs at you.
But let me be very clear: I will do anything to do MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS the right way. It was a very hard decision not to compromise on the rating from the get-go. I still think the movie could end up being PG-13, but look at the issues we had with DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK; we calculated it to be PG-13, and we didn’t get the PG-13. I don’t want to risk it; I don’t want to have a conversation about cutting intensity in MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS. It’s the Mount Everest of the weird tale; it’s one of Lovecraft’s most cherished works. I think there are four or five titles of Lovecraft that you have to approach with incredible caution, you know?

Beaks: Real quick: this version of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST that you’re developing for Emma Watson, how are you approaching it? Going up against the Disney version is one thing, but you are also up against Cocteau’s version, which is such an iconic and masterful film. How do you stand apart from that film?

Del Toro: Well, listen, I’m trying not to talk about projects that are so much in the future, because it’s been very painful in the last three years to do that. But I can just tell you I’m not trying to do the Cocteau film; I’m trying to do something different. It would be foolish to try and stick by the rules Cocteau created for his universe. With those rules nobody can win. I mean, he is already the master; it’s a perfect film. But I think the tale has many interpretations. In fact, when you go back to folklore, you find the BEAUTY AND THE BEAST tale under many, many guises. You can find it in Eastern European folklore, you can find it in German folklore, and you can find it in many incarnations before it comes to the shape it is in the French version of the story. So I’m going to try and honor it in a different way. We have been talking about it for a while, and it’s a universe that is incredibly tempting for me. I love the dark and beautiful fairy tale universe, as you know, and I really hope it comes true. At this stage, I’m going to start making it a point not to talk too much about projects that are not in preproduction, because it’s very hard to do it without just things becoming a heartbreak if they don’t happen.

Beaks: Okay, so here’s the last question. This is an easy one. Do you have a favorite movie monster?

Del Toro: If you come to Bleak House, the things that you would find over and over again is a long list. But I would say Frankenstein, Creature From the Black Lagoon, and [H.R. Giger’s] Alien are the most beautiful monsters ever. But you would also find in the house life-size reproductions of the characters from FREAKS, every Harryhausen monster ever made, all different interpretations of the Wolf Man, and so on and so forth. I have a house full of monsters, so that’s pretty hard, but if I had to say the three designs that I think are perfect in terms of man in the suit or makeup, I would say Frankenstein, Alien, and Creature From the Black Lagoon are absolutely mind blowing.

Beaks: I would agree. Especially the Creature. I’ve always loved the Creature.

Del Toro: Creature is the most perfect man-in-a-suit creation ever. I think the original Alien is very, very close by, but it doesn’t get better. And Frankenstein is just a perfect match of makeup and that performer. And when I say “Frankenstein”, I obviously mean the creature - let me not make the semantic mistake, though everyone calls it that. I think that Karloff doesn’t get the recognition he deserves as how great an actor he was. He is not just a monster. When you see him in THE BODY SNATCHER or THE BLACK ROOM or Peter Bogdanovich’s TARGETS… the guy is a fantastic actor. I love Boris Karloff. Perhaps he and Peter Cushing are my favorite horror actors.

Beaks: Why Cushing?

Del Toro: Cushing didn’t play monsters that often, Arthur Grimsdyke in TALES FROM THE CRYPT is fantastic as a cadaver, but Cushing was a very subtle actor. He was a very delicate actor, and, in a strange way, so was Boris Karloff. He was capable of great nuance and very delicate gestures. I think he was fantastic. I think in order to honor him properly, people should remember all of his characters, not just [Frankenstein] you know?

Beaks: He is amazing in THE BODY SNATCHER. That’s one I’m constantly recommending.

Del Toro: And incredible nuanced. Incredibly menacing, but incredibly underplayed performance. He is amazing in that movie - absolutely terrifying with barely anything. He just has an air of menace. He was fantastic.


Soon after I got off the phone with del Toro, he sent me an email asking that I include Godzilla and Rob Bottin’s The Thing in his list of favorite monsters. So he doesn’t have a favorite monster; he has five.

The very scary, and, I think, kid-friendly DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK hits theaters this Friday, August 26th. Check it out. PACIFIC RIM is currently scheduled for July 12, 2013. As for AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS... write your congressman.

Faithfully submitted,

Mr. Beaks

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  • Aug. 24, 2011, 3 p.m. CST

    Is Pan's Labyrinth the only truly great movie of his?

    by performingmonkey

    No studio will let him do At The Mountains of Madness without serious interference and comprimise. It's like asking god for a raise.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 3 p.m. CST

    And can you spell FIRST?

    by performingmonkey

    Fuck a Dixie Chick.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 3:07 p.m. CST

    Dear Congressman,

    by awardgiver

    Universal sucks. Please have all executives fired and kicked repeatedly in the face. thanks.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 3:19 p.m. CST

    I Love del Toro!!

    by captaincosmos

    And I think it's a fucking crime against humanity that he isn't given more studio support, combined with a lack of interference. It's heartbreaking that he hasn't directed a film since "Hellboy II." And while "Pan's Labyrinth" is indeed possibly his BEST directorial effort, and I do love me some "Hellboy" -- despite various weaknesses of both films -- anyone who has not seen either "Cronos" or "Devil's Backbone" needs to correct that shit ASAP. I would give my left testicle to see a well-funded, non-fucked with del Toro-directed version of "Moutains of Madness." Damn you Hollywood Execs.... damn you all to Hell!! Okay, I'm done now.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 3:24 p.m. CST

    Good Interview, Beaks

    by Bald Evil

    Framed with clarity, context established, interesting questions... keep up the good work, Mr. Beaks!

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 3:37 p.m. CST

    I'm totally taking my 7 year-old to DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK.

    by fustfick

    It looks great. Of course, I made my boy swear not to tell my wife when we watched DRAG ME TO HELL...and naturally, he blew that one. Maybe this time he can keep his mouth shut. Anyhow, I'm dangerously stoked for PACIFIC RIM. But, I'm telling you, Del Toro, if PACIFIC RIM sucks, I'm giving up on your movies forever. There's a lot riding on this. Oh, and nice interview. Del Toro sounds like the raddest dude ever.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 3:42 p.m. CST

    What about Disney's Haunted Mansion?

    by rev_skarekroe

    Is he still doing that?

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 3:43 p.m. CST

    No giant flying turtle, no sale

    by Stegman84

    Just sayin'

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 4:03 p.m. CST

    Mr. Beaks, seven years between movies?

    by Inglorious Bastard

    Wouldn't that only be five years between Pacific Rim and Hellboy II? Still a long time, but not quite seven.

  • I am so excited for DBAOTD and Pacific Rim.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 4:32 p.m. CST

    I expose my kids to as much horror as possible.


    Not the Eli Roth style torture shit, or anything dirty, but scary, atmospheric unsettling shit like the original DON'T BE AFRAID, TRILOGY OF TERROR, THE OMEN, Tobe Hooper's SALEM'S LOT (yeah, it's cheesy, but horrifying to a little kid). Yeah, they get scared and try to sleep in bed with mommy and daddy, but after a while they harden the fuck up and deal with it. I was once married to a woman whose parents kept her sheltered from scary movies. We got divorced because she kept obscuring her eyes every time a movie would threaten to be scary. Fukkin' annoying. The only thing that made me keep her around as long as we were married was her righteous cocksucking abilities. She'd suck and swallow like I was an extra-thick McDonald's milkshake.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 4:37 p.m. CST

    MIMIC Director's Cut - Sept 27!

    by impetus

    Wasn't mentioned in the article but this is a pretty awesome treat for GDT fans! Blu-Ray with newly restored cut plus supplements including prologue and audio commentary. That's not the kind of throwaway bonus it is for most movies - Guillermo does the best commentaries in the biz. $10 at Amazon. GET ON IT.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 4:39 p.m. CST


    by Inglorious Bastard

    Your comment makes my brain sad.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 4:52 p.m. CST

    inglorious bastard


    Explain, you inglorious bastard.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 5:18 p.m. CST

    What is different storywise about the Mimic DC?

    by Turingtestee

    Loved, loved everything about that movie. Except for the end. Against the backdrop of a crowd eating aerial Judas swarm, I wanted it to ripoff the end of Aliens so bad it hurt.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 5:19 p.m. CST

    Not having Del Toro do TMOM is a crime against humanity

    by Lang The Cat

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 5:29 p.m. CST

    Not having Del Toro do TMOM is a crime against humanity

    by Lang The Cat

    Sorry, I did not mean to just have the subject. <br><br> This man should be treated as a national treasure. Sure, he is Mexican, but he is living here now and just like Alfred Hitchcock, he is ours. If you want him back, you will have to fight for him! Dammit, Japan has artists who are national treasures. We should wake up and remember we have Del Toro and Terry Gilliam. I would gladly donate money to have their films made. In fact, I did donate for The Captured Bird, a student film Mr. Del Toro supports. So, imagine what I would be willing to do if he needed the money.<br><br> What I am trying to say is that there are a few filmmakers who transcend language and drive straight to the heart of film. Guillermo Del Toro is one of those men. And you pus headed suit bags at Universal should learn to support the man, or get the fuck out of his way.

  • With all his Executive Producer credits and contracts, and royalties coming to him, you'd think he'd have enough to fund a Lovecraft movie. Del Toro doesn't have what it takes to make At the Mountains of Madness. Good Riddance.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 5:33 p.m. CST

    Captaincosmos and I are in complete agreement.

    by Lang The Cat

    After writing my comments, I went back and read his. Since his statements match mine also word for word, I have to bow to the man's genius.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 5:37 p.m. CST

    Steve Jobs just resigned as Apple CEO!


  • Aug. 24, 2011, 5:45 p.m. CST

    Del Toro = great director + so-so screenplays

    by Gracie Law

    I may be in the minority but I think Del Toro really needs help when it comes to dialogue. I thought the script for Hellboy ll was extremely flat. God forgive me for saying that Pan's Labrynth was two really good movies shoved into one visually stunning but messy narrative.

  • The Thing..

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 6:11 p.m. CST

    Del Toro and Gilliam

    by kwisatzhaderach

    It's a crime that these guys have to struggle to get anything made and bland corporate tools like Abrams, Bay, McG, Ratner etc. get to make anything they want.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 6:19 p.m. CST


    by SmokingRobot

    Brother you are spot on.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 6:42 p.m. CST

    Gilliam is cursed.

    by FluffyUnbound

    He's lost so many people so much money that I'm not surprised he has trouble getting films made. But Del Toro has made so many profitable films that you'd think people would get out their checkbook when he says he has an idea.

  • Then the end credits came on: Directed by Steven Spielberg And I was like "WHAT? Did I just see what I think I saw?" I was so stunned I half-thought I'd imagined it. Guess not...

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 7:44 p.m. CST

    Del Toro: doesnt know shit about scripts,but he fucking

    by KilliK

    knows how to direct. BTW his Hellboy flicks,as faithful adaptation goes,are atrocious.FACT.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 8 p.m. CST

    Why didn't you ask about Hellboy 3?!?!?

    by Yelsaeb

    I need closer on Helboy, dammit!

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 8:11 p.m. CST

    He might need help with dialog, but...

    by bah

    "No. He won't even know your name." is one of the greats of movie history.

  • And they have since birth! I grew up in the UK watching 'Appointment With Fear', 'Fear On Friday' and 'BBC2's Horror Double Bill' in the 70s. They don't watch any of that Saw, Hostel crap but boy do they know their Universal, Hammer and Amicus classics, along with Romero, Curtis, Argento, Carpenter et al. I'd rather they went to school singing songs from 'The Wicker Man' or humming Goblin's greatest hits, in order to combat all the religious shite they get rammed down their throats. They're not the coolest kids in their schools for nothing. But then not all kids have a daddy with over 5000+ films in their collection.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 9:38 p.m. CST



    Now that's parenting. If kids don't learn how to harden the fuck up in their imagination, how will they be able to take shit from fucktard bosses and the dingleberry'd assholes that stalk the hallways of schools? After growing up facing Bottin's Thing and coming eye to eye with that evil hag in SUSPIRIA, dealing with your average real-life shitheel is nothing.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 9:42 p.m. CST

    But will Pacific Rim have MAN IN SUIT...?

    by Nasty In The Pasty

    It won't be a true Kaiju film without MAN IN SUIT action.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 10:23 p.m. CST

    @yelsaeb re: HB3

    by AlienFanatic

    GDT seemed very VERY reluctant to talk about future, possible projects. He's also on record as struggling to come to terms with what making HB3 would involve. According to hints he's dropped, the ending of HB3 would be very, very heavy stuff and probably involve either the death of HB or the absolute destruction of the world by the Old Gods. My guess is the former. Also, the HB series hasn't been wildly popular, so it'd be really difficult to produce HB3 on the scale that GDT would want in today's studio environment. (Look at how hard ATMOM has been to get off the ground.) In short, Beaks likely avoided it because it'd be another tender subject for GDT and that would've been pressing his luck. On a side note, I WHOLLY agree with GDT's favorite movie monsters. All of them are aces (with an obvious, biased vote by me for the Alien as being #1). There are so many great critters, though, that just stand out that even the lesser entities are worthy of mention. (Much of Winston's stuff, especially the Terminator endoskeleton, Baker's wolfman from AAWWIL, Harryhausen's Kong...the list goes on and on.)

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 10:24 p.m. CST

    ...oh and the Phantom of the Opera

    by AlienFanatic

    Lord, that's one of the most iconic movie "monsters" of all time. And it demonstrated the work of perhaps one of the all-time greatest movie makeup artists of all time, Lon Chaney.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 11:11 p.m. CST

    Actually the Thing is not a monster,since we never see

    by KilliK

    his true form.What we see is the life forms that it had absorbed from the various alien planets it had visited. For me the Blob needs to be in the top 5 of the most scary monsters ever.It is formless,near indestructible,it becomes larger and stronger with every life form it consumes,it can sneak attack you even from the most unexpected places and the way it kills the humans by absorbing them is very gruesome and visceral. Its weakness is a bit stupid,but still it is one of my fav monsters. In fact i would love for Del Toro to make a modern remake of the movie,using state of the art cgi and ofc 3D. Imagine a scene where someone is having a shit,and suddenly the Blob grabs his butt and sucks him inside the toilet.yeah i stole it from the similar scene in the 80s remake.heh.

  • Aug. 24, 2011, 11:12 p.m. CST

    and the 3D would work wonderfully in the movie

    by KilliK

    and would enhance a lot the horror factor.

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 12:37 a.m. CST

    Looking forward

    by Warren Fahy

    To Pacific Rim. And the far-off Mountains...

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 1:21 a.m. CST

    I believe I may have said this before...

    by Dr Eric Vornoff

    ...but Del Toro should adapt Poe's Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym as a prologue to ATMOM. And is Watson playing the beast in Beauty and The Beast? Seriously, I could never understand what was supposed to be attractive about that stuck-up little brat but then i'm not a paedo.

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 2:05 a.m. CST

    At The Mountains of Madness

    by Darth_Scotsman

    I am desperate to see those Giant Penguins....desperate. Any chance of a 'A Case of Charles Dexter Ward' film?

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 2:58 a.m. CST

    Taco flavoured spunk.

    by hallmitchell

    I think G.D.T. is amazing. He inspires me with his creativity. I would love to see him do the HULK t.v series. If anyone has not read his STRAIN books. Order and buy now. I respect so much his creatures and use of practical effects.

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 4:19 a.m. CST

    @Killik - toilet kills

    by The Kusabi

    You mean like in Deep Rising? (Or perhaps Street Trash)

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 7:49 a.m. CST


    by quantize

    Seriously, what great taste does this guy have!

  • Meaning his movies visually always look great and I be thinking the budget is much more than what I eventually find out that it actually is.

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 10:44 a.m. CST

    by Cobra--Kai

    Nice interview. Perhaps you should have a rule that everyone aicn interviews should be asked what their favorite movie monster is - kinda like that how much is a pint of milk that Empire magazine asks every interviewee. I always kinda liked that creature from the crate in CREEPSHOW. Just tell it to call ya Billy! Also nice to see some love for Peter Cushing - a true gentleman of the genre. Pretty cool that the STAR WARS saga ended up featuring both Cushing and Lee!

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 11:24 a.m. CST

    Great filmmaker. Can't wait to see Pacific Rim. Go Guillermo!

    by Mr Nicholas

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 12:44 p.m. CST

    His AtMoM script wasn’t very good.

    by frank

    It started off well, but descended into an action/gore/CG-fest (not an A-Team episode) about halfway in. It read like Carpenter’s The Thing to the fifth power. I probably would have enjoyed it, but I also am kind of glad in a way that it didn’t get made because I don’t really think it would have been a worthy adaptation of the novella.

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 1:55 p.m. CST

    Kaiju will be a tough sell if its man in suit

    by sunwukong86

    CGI mecha vs "man in suit" Kaiju? Yeah it would look really lame. But I can already picture Charlie Day in a mecha blowing shit up

  • They really have to use everything for this to make it look modern enough while also paying proper homage to the old kaiju flicks that inspired the film in the first place. Del Toro, along with Peter Jackson, are the two of the biggest practitioners of mixing the old school effects techniques with modern digital methods. Look no further than the behind the scenes features on Lord of the Rings and Blade 2 to see how both of them used practical plus digital to stunning effect. Hopefully both PJ and Del Toro continue this trend in their films. We need more practical effects in this digital obsessed world.

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 3:05 p.m. CST

    Also, that MIMIC Blu-ray will be mine

    by lv_426

    Mimic and The Devil's Backbone are my favorite Del Toro flicks. Mimic is underrated I'd say.

  • who cares whos actually in MOM anyway - its the film that will be the star not the actors...anyway an unhinged Kilmer would be far more apt in something as freaky as MOM... good to see GDT stand up to the current PG-13 madness though. i hope Ridley S manages to come through with an R rated Promethues too (which if its successful might help greenlight MOM again)

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 4:49 p.m. CST

    Put Emma Watson in a Beast sex scene...

    by performingmonkey

    ...then he'll be forgiven for the flakey bits of his Hellboy movies!

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 5:23 p.m. CST

    Del Toro knows his stuff...

    by Carl's hat

    ...thank God there are other people out there who grew up watching those creepy made for tv movies in the 70s, who remember them and pay them the repsect they deserve. Something Evil with Darren McGavin,The House That Wouldn't Die, Night Terror with Valerie Harper, The Norliss Tapes, Moon of the Wolf with the legendary David Jansen, even Zoltan-Hound of Dracula...they don't make flicks as eerie and unsettling or anymore. Del Toro- we need a new Dan Curtis..please pick up the torch.

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 5:44 p.m. CST


    by madmunky

    Conrad Brooks: You know which movie of yours I love, Mister Lugosi? "The Invisible Ray". You were great as Karloff's sidekick. Bela Lugosi: Karloff? Sidekick? FUCK YOU! Karloff does not deserve to smell my SHIT! That Limey cocksucker can rot in hell for all I care! Ed Wood: W-what happened? Bela: How dare that asshole bring up Karloff? You think it takes talent to play Frankenstein? It's all, all makeup, and-and grunting. [imitates Frankenstein] Grrr-Rrrr! Ed: I agree, Bela. I agree a hundred percent. Now Dracula — there's a part that takes talent.

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 8:28 p.m. CST

    The difference between del Toro and Gilliam

    by Kammich

    Both have had a lot of projects that fail to come to fruition, but I think Gilliam's are just a case of sheer, fucked up, cosmic bad luck. Most of Del Toro's were huge-budget spectacle tent-pole flicks that he refused to waiver on creatively or in marketing. I still feel bad for him, but I feel its unfair to compare his experiences to that of Gilliam, who has been ravaged by everything from untimely death to ungodly natural disasters. Del Toro rules, though. He's one of those guys whose interviews I will always stop and read(even though this one was shockingly spare on "fuck" and "dick" references). He's also one of the few directors whose influence can really be felt in the films that he produces. "The Orphanage" and "Splice" were both awesome genre pieces that were dripping in del Toro. Due to that I have similarly high expectations for "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark."

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 8:46 p.m. CST

    Del Toro's Pale Man is one of my favorites...


    and that's saying a lot.

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 9:58 p.m. CST

    DREAMS IN THE WITCH HOUSE is probably my favorite Lovecraft story.

    by DoctorWho?

    He's right...Brown Jenkin is a freakshow.

  • Aug. 25, 2011, 10:47 p.m. CST

    I'm still a bit bummed he's not doing HOBBIT.

    by blackwood

    I was looking forward to how he'd do it. I have a hard time sitting through the originals now. I'd never call them bad, I just... I've been there, several times over. I want to see HOBBIT through someone other than Peter Jackson, whose last movie was so shockingly self-indulgent and terrible he should be forced to sit in a corner and produce for ten years until he is sorry. At least Jackson seems to be getting fat again. His talent is in his fat. I like Del Toro, but I'm over listening to him whinge about all the films he's not gotten to make. I've just lost patience for it. I hope RIM works out and he gets to make his MADNESS epic.

  • Aug. 26, 2011, 1:39 a.m. CST


    by SpaghettiWall


  • Aug. 26, 2011, 1:39 a.m. CST


    by SpaghettiWall


  • Aug. 26, 2011, 1:45 a.m. CST

    who gives a shit about rotten tomatoes?

    by Kammich

    what, you can't form your own opinion?

  • hkjhkhjkj

  • Aug. 26, 2011, 4:52 a.m. CST

    Only the snobbs call it "the Monster of Frankenstein"

    by chien_sale

    the rest of the people call it Frankenstein. logically anyway the monster is from the Frankenstein family, right, he should have their last name too

  • Aug. 26, 2011, 7:51 a.m. CST

    Another Directorial Delay

    by Aquatarkusman

    GDT's good buddy Alfonso Cuaron hasn't made anything since Children of Men (Gravity comes out next year, allegedly).

  • Aug. 26, 2011, 8:04 a.m. CST

    GDT + Oscar Isaac or Dominic Cooper for Dr. Strange please

    by Arteska


  • Aug. 26, 2011, 8:58 a.m. CST

    {w w w }} {{voguebloom }} {{ co m }} *****

    by fdsa

    **** {{w w w }} {{voguebloom }} {{ co m }} ***** Believe you will love it. we will give you a big discount Opportunity knocks but once **** {{w w w }} {{voguebloom }} {{ com }} ****

  • Aug. 26, 2011, 10:04 a.m. CST


    by Darth Busey

  • Or you just hate Hellboy all together? I freakin loved those movies and the comics.

  • Aug. 26, 2011, 11:42 a.m. CST

    @ inglorious bastard

    by 3774


  • That's exactly what happened to me. The original scared the crap out of me as a young kid, and I was convinced there was a scene where Kim Darby was seen being dragged into the furnace itself. I realized later I had imagined that moment, and it became a memory. For the record: Hooper's Salem's Lot: Awesome - best vampire makeup EVER TO THIS DAY. Cushing: Awesome. He took the most absurd ideas and made them utterly convincing. Plus, he says the word "Dracula" better than anyone.

  • Aug. 26, 2011, 1:04 p.m. CST

    Must agree about SALEM'S LOT

    by DoctorWho?

    The vision of that little kid's dead brother hovering at his bedroom window, scratching the glass to be let in still haunts me.

  • Aug. 26, 2011, 1:21 p.m. CST


    by the Green Gargantua

    Would rule

  • Aug. 26, 2011, 4:08 p.m. CST

    “finest fucking monsters” and “greatest fucking robots”

    by kafka07

    I like when those phrases are used in the same sentence.

  • Aug. 26, 2011, 8:21 p.m. CST

    How the hell was that movie rated R?

    by Yelsaeb

    I thought it was PG. I just saw it and the whole time I thought it was PG. Well, until the leg snapping. Then I thought,"Maybe PG-13". But R? No way. This is R and World War Z is going to be PG-13. How does that fricking work?

  • Aug. 26, 2011, 8:24 p.m. CST

    Really? R? I can't believe it.

    by Yelsaeb

    It was so PG-13. It had me fooled WHILE I was watching it. R? Son of a bitch.

  • Aug. 26, 2011, 8:25 p.m. CST

    I just can't get over that. R? R?!?! What the frick! R??!!?

    by Yelsaeb

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 11:26 a.m. CST

    [Spoiler] Question about DBAOTD

    by MaliceHighload

    Dinner party scene. Little girl runs under the table and into that library/study where she's taking Polaroid pix and harming the creatures with flashes. She manages to CRUSH one of the little fuckers with that sliding bookshelf wall. Then the adults rush in -- the creatures scatter -- and the girl tries to show her dad one of her Polaroids as evidence... Why doesn't she just show him/them that crushed creature wedged in the bookshelf? I get the routine where the adults don't believe what the kids are trying to tell them. It's a quality routine, gets used a lot of different ways in a lot of different movies. But there's a point where it just doesn't make sense for the adults in this movie to NOT believe what they're being told.

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 12:27 p.m. CST

    @ bitchboom, Spend much time online?

    by dc

    GDT nailed that part in The Fall, nailed you too.

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 1:41 p.m. CST

    Vendetta? Or are you trying to make a point

    by dc

    Could it be the nerds and geeks are tapped out after the summer convention season (Fan expo in Toronto as we speak)? The R rating probably didn't help, and then there's the hurricane that has put NY in a panic. Still a bit early to call this one.

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 2:15 p.m. CST

    The audience for H.P LOVECRAFT is about as 'niche' as it gets.

    by DoctorWho?

    And I'm IN that narrow segment of fans. Having said that, I don't particularly care to see any Lovecraft stories brought to the big screen. This isn't a Stephen King novel like Pet Cemetary that can actually be improved upon in a film version. If attempting to translate Lovecraft to a visual medium the only way to go is down. But if someone like Del Toro MUST, then why not start with stories like Dreams In The Witch House or The Colour Out of Space...or half a dozen smaller scale, intimate tales that can be done with a very low budget? <p> I Like Del Toro, but his sheer love and respect of H.P's is deluding him into thinking that he can translate a story of that scope into anything but a pale reflection of the original.

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 2:58 p.m. CST


    by flax

    I've read the script, and I can tell you that Del Toro is not attempting to transfer Lovecraft's book directly to the screen. He's used it as a springboard for his own ideas. The book was written as a very dry report on the team's scientific discoveries in Antarctica, whereas the script is more of an action-horror movie along the lines of Carpenter's THE THING. There are some colossal set pieces, lots of monsters, plenty of explosions and a part for Ron Perlman. To be honest I actually preferred it to the original book – it's a hell of a lot more fun. I think we geeks sometimes put Lovecraft on a plinth he doesn't quite deserve – he wrote great, fascinating horror stories, but at the end of the day, they're pure pulp – not scripture. Lovecraft was no Tolstoy, and I think Del Toro realises that.

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 2:59 p.m. CST

    Is bitchboom genderbender or genderblender?

    by flax

    I don't even fucking know any more

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 3:24 p.m. CST


    by DoctorWho?

    I hear you. And of course it's not scripture. I'm not one of those geeks who freaked out over the exclusion of Tom Bombadil from LOTR. Nor would I ever insist on a page by page shoot of the story either...trainwreck! <p> The written word is great for veering off into abstract concepts and realms that are the essence of Lovecraft...the medium of film, not so much. Del Toro is probably wise for avoiding such elements and instead focusing on explosions... and copious amounts of blood and guts too, no doubt. At that point, my interest all but evaporates. <p> However...if like Milius' CONAN he can make changes and yet still somehow retain or capture the vibe and tone of the source material... I will be pleasantly surprised. But that, my friend is a hail-mary pass into the end zone. The Lovecraft "vibe" is a heavy one to capture indeed. I'm sure it is ''a hell of a lot more fun'' but ''fun'' is not an adjective I use to describe Lovecraft's work. <p> Cheers!

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 3:45 p.m. CST


    by flax

    It's worth noting that the script can only tell us so much – a great deal of the tone and atmosphere will depend upon the way it's shot, lit, acted, edited, etc. The cosmic horror isn't exactly palpable in the screenplay, but that doesn't mean that the same will hold true for the finished film. It's also worth noting that the draft I read was quite an early one – there have been at least three rewrites since then, plus some final script polishes overseen by James Cameron and Tom Cruise. I still hold out hope that the film will capture the essence of Lovecraft's work, and even if it doesn't, it'll be a hell of a ride.

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 4:34 p.m. CST

    Cameron and Tom Cruise

    by DoctorWho?

    Wow, I didn't know that. Interesting.

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 5:40 p.m. CST

    Well, now i'm depressed.

    by 3774

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 6:56 p.m. CST

    Don't be too cynical bitchboom

    by DoctorWho?

    It's human nature. People are jaded. They see no mystery in the world. No magic. You're right, why exercise your imagination when it can be rendered digitally for you? <p> We are the recipients of the greatest prosperity and comfort the world has ever known. The advancements and technical achievements that arose in the span of 100 years represented more progress and material prosperity for the most amount of people than in the previous 2,000! <p> And everyone takes it for granted. <p> But it's not the end...IMHO, humanity is entering a temporary cul de sac. Science and exploration still march on but provide no impetus for imagination or morality in people. Just cold, analytical data. Traditional organized religion faltering is a necessary evolution in our growth. Spiritual expression will take on more enlightened forms...but until then people seem morally adrift because, although science describes and explains the physical world, it does nothing to explain the human or social experience. Thus imagination, our sense of wonder, curiosity, etc... falter too. It will take a renaissance for something new to come take it's place. <p> Until then, cocooned in our comfort and leisure we can afford the luxury of doubting or even despising the fruits of what has been achieved. Again...human nature.<p> My point is, you and I won't live long enough to see the pendulum swing the other way. Things will change. Human progress does not proceed in a straight line but zigs and zags. Once humanity, en masse experiences the ensuing chaos of a famine, a massive world war, or a solar flair crippling the technology we base our whole existence can bet people will get back to basics so to speak.

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 9:55 p.m. CST

    Just watched DBAOTD, I am giving it 5 pentagrams, haters can go fuck themselves.

    by the Green Gargantua

    I am a devotee of the original and can say that this film delivers beyond any horror film I have seen in the last ten years. Seriously, critics of this film are "Scream" fans and should kill themselves.

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 9:57 p.m. CST

    @malicehighload, They drag their dead away

    by the Green Gargantua

    as they did in the original.

  • Aug. 27, 2011, 10:31 p.m. CST

    Cool bitchboom

    by DoctorWho?

    And your description of Facebook is spot on. Retrofitting pre-existing ideas and concepts together passes for creativity. This is most apparent in music today.<p> I am not that guy who says "they don't make 'em like they used to" out of some generational bias or disconnect. The craft of true musical composition is replaced by cut and paste samples. No need to dedicate hours of practice and study of an instrument or harmony and counterpoint...just click and drag. While this is harmless in and of itself and does provide many people with creative has ultimately dumbed down music. The bar is set SO LOW today. <p> I will stop here because I could go on and on. You already know. Cheers!

  • Aug. 28, 2011, 5:51 a.m. CST

    you know what derailed American culture


    the Federal Reserve

  • Aug. 28, 2011, 10:02 a.m. CST

    i can't figure you out, Bitchboom.

    by 3774

    Half of what you wrote has me rallying for you. The 50's thing....i connect with that and feel close to you on that. Everybody i know thinks i'm odd for being as obsessed with that era as i am, in defiance of my young age. And your assessment of geek absorption of imaginary constructs without regard or reflection of real-world humanity...brilliant. But then other times you reach too far, like your rant on music, and end up sounding like a sad, angry old man who's bitter and confused about nothing more than change *itself*, rather than change *for the worse*. Banning music mixing and select lyrics from ranked consideration? Really? That's veering into creepy, dystopian territory. i'm pretty sure you stated that you were female. And i can't wrap my head around your use of phrases like 'cunt-stain'. i have a sea of girlfriends with foul-mouths and foul-behavior, and i just can't see a woman saying that. If it's because you're some form of transgender (which would make sense, given your original name) then i retract the statement, since it wouldn't apply to you. But stuff like that needlessly detracts from otherwise brilliant points.

  • Aug. 28, 2011, 5:39 p.m. CST

    Ah, i see.

    by 3774

    Thank you for the clarification. When it comes to 'word reclamation', I understand and respect the philosophy behind it. But I've never bought into it. It feels too much like trying to gaining equality by lowering the bar down in the gutter to match the opposition. Farmville fanatics aren't apathetic monsters. They're just people with an absurd amount of free time on their hands, coupled with mild obsessive traits. You can't expect all people to maintain a fixed outrage over the horrors of the world, at all times. It's just not psychologically possible, let alone healthy.

  • Aug. 28, 2011, 6:22 p.m. CST

    FanExpo Canada

    by Castor Grayson

    I was a guest at Fan Expo Canada today and Del Toro showed up and started signing things right next to my table. Stole my thunder. I Didn't care!

  • Aug. 28, 2011, 7:04 p.m. CST

    He's making a Kaiju movie?

    by catlettuce4

    I had not heard any details about Pacific Rim till now. Sounds awesome!

  • Aug. 29, 2011, 2:18 a.m. CST


    by nobodylistenstodestro

    I dont know if its possible but Del Toro should get a kickstarter account for ATMOM. He wouldnt get 150m but im sure hed get a decent amount of money.

  • Aug. 29, 2011, 8:05 a.m. CST

    In the light of what must be deemed a sizeable flop

    by zoydbond was wise for the money-men to back out this time. This is a business after all and horror movies in general have taken a dive as far as gross is concerned this year. Having read Mountains I can understand studio reticence- a lot of it is just men walking around ruins alluding to a divine terror that never really materialises (apart from the admittedly nasty attack on the expedition party at the beginning). Added to that-giving the un-nameables CGI skin- however creatively endowed- would surely rob the mythology of the mystery that makes it so appealing in the first place.

  • Aug. 29, 2011, 9:14 a.m. CST

    I must not be a geek

    by lecter1914

    Ive seen all of Del Toro's films but have only actually liked 2 of them. Those were Hellboy 2 and Pan's labyrinth. Ive seen the rest and while I like the way they look and appreciate the imagination in them...I've just never really liked them. Didn't dislike them, but I was never engaged. Blade 2 felt like he took the best parts of the first one and got rid of those to make something that might as well not have been a Blade film. Mimic was a great idea but never felt scary or compelling to me. Devil's Backbone I just never felt engaged by. And the list goes on and on. Perhaps I'm not really a nerd.

  • Aug. 29, 2011, 11:16 a.m. CST


    by 3774

    You voiced my thoughts exactly, except for Blade 2 (I've never seen anything 'Blade'. I don't care for macho action, and Near Dark is the only 'vampire' movie I've ever seen that I liked). Del Toro seems like a neat guy that makes sincere efforts, but his work is in no way a gold standard to question someone's geek credentials. Not by a long shot. Not in my book, anyway.

  • Aug. 29, 2011, 11:20 a.m. CST


    by 3774

    ...only modern-take 'vampire' movie i liked...

  • Aug. 29, 2011, 1:04 p.m. CST

    It's been said before...

    by DoctorWho?

    In today's world our technology beaming true horrors into our living rooms 24/7...the horror film genre just pales in comparison. the a visual dead imo. <p> The blinding, bright light of our technology illuminates the dark places and hidden crevasses that were once mysterious and unknown. The 'bogeyman' doesn't exist anymore. Just the endless parade of real life, garden variety human monsters which you can see anytime on the nightly news.<p> Have any kids these days even heard the name Edgar Allen Poe?

  • That easy money policy created an excess of liquidity in the system. All that money created an abundance of so-called innovation and entrepreneurial endeavor, leading to the viral expansion of the Internet and computer access, not to mention the fucktards who populate it with their inane, insipid and insignificant thoughts.

  • Aug. 29, 2011, 5:01 p.m. CST

    I'll see if I can find it.

    by 3774

  • Aug. 30, 2011, 2:08 a.m. CST

    Pretty much agree bitchboom

    by chien_sale

    And studios should do this too, don't worry about doing genre flicks, get the R rating all you want, hell people will prefer it, just don't spend a lot so there's no risk. Studios could do 10 horror films a year, spend between 15 and 30 millions on them, do smart promotion, make sure it's compelling and you make a profit. Hell I even think its stupid for Del Torro to ask the moon for the MOUNTAIN OF MADNESS. Just change the script a little, don't be precious, it can be great when you have to work with less sometime. Just shoot the damn thing and keep your R rating.

  • Aug. 30, 2011, 2:52 a.m. CST

    Met Del Toro at Fanexpo!

    by Johnno

    Well he dropped by our booth. I took a picture! Bought a LOT of stuff, but I guess when you're del Toro you can throw money around. Mostly got lots of concept, illustration and anime books. As for the derailed topic on Hollywood, science and imagination. That's what happens when people abandon religion for pointless empty spirituality. Science is banging it's head into the same wall of bullshit evolutionary beliefs and vague pseudo-scientific theorizing so much that it's long ago become a false religion of it's own. Religion doesn't disappear, those who lose their religion merely replace it with another one. For the longest time it's been scienctism mixed with pure bullshit beliefs about evolution, and the prophecies of inevitable progress. All of which are failing to live up to any of its promises because it never had any to give and it subsequently dying alongside other 'Western' religions because it in itself become one. Science today is largely faltering because it had been taken over by ideologically driven groups who will keep proudly running into the same brick walls of their errors rather than changing course. Christianity on the other hand prophesized all this, so as far as the faithful are concerned, everything is still on-track and the current decline is simply history repeating itself. Christianity never technically lost members. It was just culturally cool for awhile and the majority of its members born into it never appreciated or learned about it anyway but remained because the social structure demanded it. When culture changed, they took their excuse to leave. The number of true faithful was always small. The doctrine has always been that the majority are damned simply because they took their religion for granted and never really gave a damn. Islam on the other hand is growing, a lot, and amazingly enough in the same secular cultures that sought to throw off their Christian heritage for a purely secular one... Ironically their dreams of the promised land of scientific irreligion are doomed to falter as they slowly morph into one that will come under Islam and Sharia, in essence a religion that is more severe than the one they foolishly believed they were getting away from will be taking them over... And that's just how it goes. Vague spiritualized atheism is self-defeating and writes its own obituary. And it's only sad to see the peddlers going about clinging to the last shreds of its flailing tatters failing to see the inevitable outcome that is on the horizon. And that ladies and gents, is a true mountain of madness!

  • Come on. Really......

  • Aug. 30, 2011, 10:12 a.m. CST

    @ johnno

    by dc

    Finally, someone who has things figured out. Well said brother.

  • Aug. 30, 2011, 2:27 p.m. CST

    Consider the east coast

    by Lang The Cat

    With the storm and people gearing up to evacuate, this was not the ideal weekend for horror. Comedy, yes, but attendance was low for the weekend overall.

  • Aug. 30, 2011, 2:29 p.m. CST

    I want GDT to direct Viggo as Dr. Strange

    by Lang The Cat

    That would be cool. Viggo Mortensen as Dr. Steven Strange.

  • Aug. 30, 2011, 10:20 p.m. CST

    @ spegettiwall DBA has crept up to 60%

    by dc

    at rotten tomatoes, and is therefore fresh. Just saying. (I know who cares about rotten tomatoes.)

  • Aug. 31, 2011, 7:22 a.m. CST

    At the Mad Cthulu Mountain of Pacific Rim

    by Brandon Dillard

    Really looking forward to Pacific Rim. I Have always loved giant monster movies. Godzilla has entertained me and mine for 40 years. No man in suit though, todays audiences will cry foul. I won't. But I like CG, or give me man in suit. Either way. Just don't give me cute cuddly Godzilla. UGH.... New Gozilla next year. Looks like they ard treating it right. I hope. But Godzilla should attack France. It would be his easiest conquest. He could rip up the eiffle tower and beat Roman "I love me some young tender pre-teen gals!" Palanski to death with it. Ay-Ya-Ha, Ay-Ya-Ha

  • Aug. 31, 2011, 7:25 a.m. CST

    Oh yeah...

    by Brandon Dillard

    I loved Cloverfield as well. Sorry asimov, but your rants agains JJ will never sway me. But I respect your opinion. Even if you would never respect mine.

  • Aug. 31, 2011, 7:26 a.m. CST

    Oh yeah part 2...

    by Brandon Dillard

  • Aug. 31, 2011, 7:31 a.m. CST

    Don't hit enter to Post bdilly. it will be your undoing!!

    by Brandon Dillard

    Any way, maybe Del Toro should just make Cthulu instead of Mountains. Oh wait, Call of Clthulu also has no love story or a happy ending the studio apparantly has to have in its tales of monstrous and insanity inducing TERROR!!!!

  • Aug. 31, 2011, 2:24 p.m. CST

    Johnno, you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.

    by frank

    Wise up, man. You cannot fuck with science.

  • Aug. 31, 2011, 3:58 p.m. CST

    @ franks

    by dc

    What johnno is saying is some ideas from the world of science are held without proof. For instance, after years of trying to prove evolution is real without success, those who still believe in it are either ideologically driven or are idiots. In both cases they are no different from adherents to some religions. You can't argue with that logic.

  • Aug. 31, 2011, 10:20 p.m. CST

    Religion does not equal mysticism.

    by DoctorWho?

    The word mysticism...(like yoga and Zen) are laughably mischaracterized and misunderstood in the "enlightened" west. There are 'mystics' within different religions. I doubt modern Christians would relate to the Christian mystics of old. Simply put, mystics delve into spiritual practices to achieve first-hand, observable experiences. Just sayin'.

  • Sept. 1, 2011, 10:30 a.m. CST

    Amazing Randi??

    by DoctorWho?

    What is that bullshit? Just look up mysticism on wikipedia.

  • Sept. 1, 2011, 11:53 p.m. CST

    In The Foothills Of Neurosis

    by Dennis_Moore

  • Sept. 2, 2011, 8:32 a.m. CST

    "Believing in Flying Saucers" is What Stupid People Say

    by Autodidact

    When they mean to say "Believing that some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft". I am constantly annoyed by hearing otherwise intelligent people say "Do you believe in UFOs?" which is a nonsense statement. I'm also really annoyed by people who say they "choose to believe" something. Belief is not a choice. You believe what seems true. Otherwise you're a robot.

  • You were talking about "reclaiming words"... I'm reclaiming this one. You can't describe someone who believes in Santa Claus or UFO's as being a 'mystic'. You are not choosing your words carefully enough. Words mean things. And when you speak of ''religious conceits'' you speak of theology. Of course it's silly. You're just shooting fish in a barrel. Those metaphors and aphorisms are taken LITERALLY by today's religious people AND atheists in equal measure. The result is each thinks they're wiser and smarter than the other. One side believes blindly and stupidly, the other acts with smug superiority by stating the obvious. Yet the atheists are equally obtuse and cut off from intuition and imagination, denying and refusing any direct experience with the seemingly "unexplainable" in place of iron clad, mathematical certainty. Pfftt. <p> Just because I believe that life most likely exists on other planets because I can logically extrapolate known facts does not make me a mystic. Not even close.

  • Sept. 6, 2011, 4:17 a.m. CST


    by whofan71

    According to Websters; Mysticism-The doctorine that it is possible to achieve communion with God through contemplation; any doctorine that asserts the possibility of attaining an intuitive knowledge of spiritual truths through meditations. When you talk about belief in flying saucers, Santa Clause, etc, that is more what I would consider magical thinking, or even wishful thinking, rather than mysticism, as I think doctorwho? is refering.

  • Sept. 7, 2011, 10:31 p.m. CST

    Yes whofan71

    by DoctorWho?

    The definition of mysticism is SPECIFICALLY concerned with matters concerning communion with the 'SPIRIT' i.e. communion with God etc. Not "imagination". Not "myth". Not "wishful thinking". The definition is clear.<p> Bitchboom, are you not engaged in "wishful thinking" by openly contradicting the dictionary?<p> And bitchboom, I would recommend Cosmos by Carl Sagan...he clearly lays out empirical data and numbers, that, if taken to their logical conclusions not only argues that the POSSIBILITY that life exists (even microbes) but talks of the PROBABILITY that it is abundant.<p> Science is not a monolithic field speaking with one voice. Plenty of people in the science community posit this notion. This "proves" nothing of course. It's theory... hypothesis based on KNOWN yet incomplete data. It's not some idea they pulled out of their ass because they HOPE it's true. Why not explore these lines of thought?<p> Cheers.

  • Sept. 7, 2011, 10:37 p.m. CST

    And just to be clear....

    by DoctorWho?

    in that first paragraph I said ...<p> '...The 'SPIRIT' i.e. communion with God etc. Not "imagination". Not "myth". Not "wishful thinking". <p> Not that God ISN'T "wishful thinking" or "myth" etc..just that the definition is specific to matters concerning "spirit", "God" etc.<p> Now, let's all get a snack!

  • Sept. 9, 2011, 10:23 a.m. CST

    The only thing I know of God is that he apparently exists.

    by UltraTron

    When I talked to Satan- I asked him when the world will end. He said- God won't let me tell you. So you see. Apparently god exists. What's really cool is Satan said won't. You would think he would say will not.

  • Sept. 9, 2011, 10:24 a.m. CST

    It's really fucked how the supernatural really exists.

    by UltraTron

    Trust me. You guys really don't want to know anything about it.

  • I can tell you this. There is a website that teaches you how to prove that you've left your body. You can leave your body and trip around the ether realm.