Become a Ghost Producer

The Privilege of Working With DCC Studios

Artists and audio engineers are a dime a dozen but only very few stand out. They’re those with an exceptional talent, those who possess an innate beat for the music. And since our group’s commitment is making sure that we make good music even better, we’re also committed to getting only the best producers out there with a real feel for EDM. We have even been featured on Magnetic Magazine for our search to ghost producers.

Getting into Harvard is probably even steps easier than getting hired by DCC Studios! That’s part of the privilege of working with us. With more than 100 applications each month and only a hiring rate of 2%, DCC Studios is the most prestigious electronic music production company you can get into.

Are You a Good Fit?

Do you think you’re the ghost producer we’re looking for? Are you the right person for the job? If yes, then continue reading because here are the other things we’re looking for from our ghost producers (besides your talent, of course):

Create real bombs of tracks, the one like you’ve never done or heard before so that the customer will be blown away.

Deliver, process, respect and make sure that you stick to our working process and guidelines (they aren’t that hard, after all).

Be open to our and the client’s feedback (demanding they may be) and to be willing to improve on your work and your skills.

Be a great professional communicator and listener (or at least try to) so you can always give our clients the best experience.

Like ghost producing and understand what ghost production means for the producer and the DJ.

Skilled at reading and writing the English language.

Become A Part Of Our Team

So, are you a talented music producer with a keen interest in EDM music? Have you ever dreamt of weaving the magic behind a chart-topping song or artist? Are you looking for a job that caters to your passion for music as well? Or, do you simply want to earn some (extra) money while having fun with cool, creative folks?

Join the incredibly talented team of music producers at DCC Studios, and enjoy the perks, privileges and benefits of being part of our team! Click here to download the brochure with all the information!

Since we have our roster of regular producers, our ghost producers work behind the scenes. You get to apply your music production skill set and assist in Ghost Production, Co-Creation, mixing and/or mastering projects for our clients. All our ghost producers work as freelancers. But even if you’re not a regular employee at DCC Studios, this doesn’t mean you don’t get to enjoy the benefits of being part of our creative, talented team.

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Enjoy the Perks

The best thing about working as ghost producer for DCC Studios is the chance to work with some of the most amazing artists in the EDM industry. Let’s not also forget that you’ll be working – and learning – from some of the best and skilled professional music producers.

But there’s still more in store for you

Earn Up To 70%

Enjoy commissions of up to 70% of the continuously increasing project revenue (excluding VAT).

Your Preferred Hours

Since you’ll be working with us on a freelance basis, you get to do the projects in your own preferred time – yes, no fixed working hours here.

Long-Term Potential

We try to cultivate our relationships with DJs and labels for a long-term partnership, and this means that you can be a major part of this as well.

Get New Projects

We know the market and you know the studio. We’ll definitely be working together on many creative projects

Do What You Master

This is your chance to do what you want, what you’re good at or passionate about, while also earning some bucks. Earn, learn and make your music producer dreams come true with DCC Studios.


One of the unique benefits that we offer is our 50/50 royalty structure. With this alone, you can not only build up your production portfolio in the long-run, but also grow your potential revenue.

Our Special Program

At DCC Studios, we recognize world-class, outstanding talent. We offer a special and exclusive program for truly outstanding producers, and this handpicked elite group gets to work with our world-class clients.

Detailed Feedback

Part of working and learning with us is we tell you what aspects of your work you can still improve on based on detailed customer and quality-driven feedback.

Download the Brochure and See How It All Works