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Want to get up to speed on machine learning? We've got a deal for you

We've extended early prices for select workshops

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Events If you missed out on early bird tickets for MCubed, our machine learning and AI extravaganza, don’t despair – you can still save a bundle of cash on our optional workshop sessions.

We’ll admit it – we were late posting details of a brace of our workshops. So, because we don’t like to rush things, we’re extending the early bird pricing for these workshops so that you can give careful thought to which you’d like to attend. Each will get you up and running with machine learning, albeit by different routes.

If you’re a JavaScript veteran looking to get into machine learning without having to learn a whole new language, you’ll want to sign up for the session with Expero Inc’s Steve Purves, which will teach you just that.

Alternatively, if you’re looking to use ML to tune relevancy in search to ensure your customers and users get better results, you’ll relish the chance of attending SHI’s Daniel Wrigley’s all-day session.

Either session would be the perfect way to round off the main part of the conference, which will speed you from the nuts and bolts basics of ML and AI, through deep case studies, hands-on walkthroughs of key technologies and all the way to sober consideration of the legal and ethical pit-falls around these technologies. And of course, some tickets are still available for the main conference.

It’s all sure to stimulate the brain cells, which is why we’ll ensure you are well supplied with top-end food and drink to lubricate those all-important conversations between you, your fellow attendees, the speakers and of course us – particularly at the first night drinks party on site.

So, to save a few hundred, check out our early bird ticket prices at the website now. ®

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