In relentless pursuit of the ideas that matter and the stories that captivate.

Photo: Lisette Poole | From: Henry Grabar, Havana on the Brink

“Explaining what just happened, and what is happening, is a core mission for The Atlantic." Take it from Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg: "The Atlantic was created for moments like this.”

The Atlantic doesn’t just report the news. For 160 years, we’ve been questioning the status quo—and challenging readers to rethink the world around them.

A History of Provoking

John Muir’s The American Forests sparks establishment of the National Park System.

Vannevar Bush’s As We May Think was credited with predicting the rise of the Internet.

Republished in The Atlantic, Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail took the civil rights movement to the next level.

The New York Times and others credited Andrew Sullivan’s Why Obama Matters with influencing the fate of the 2008 elections.

Anne-Marie Slaughter's Why Women Still Can't Have It All sparks a national conversation on women and work

Graeme Wood’s blockbuster piece What ISIS Really Wants was the most engaged article online in 2015, according to Poynter.

Ta-Nehisi Coates offered a history of Barack Obama’s history-making presidency with My President Was Black, leading to a second reprinting of the issue.

Audience + Platforms

We reach thinking people—and make them think harder.

The Atlantic’s audience is influential, curious, and eager to leave a lasting mark on the world. Never ones to shy away from change, they seek out new ideas, challenge conventions—including their own—and ultimately aim to foster progress.




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Case Studies



Painting What's Possible



Made in the Cloud



The Search for Sanctuary


JPMorgan Chase & Co.

City Makers 3.0



Emblem - The Many Measures of Success

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Awards, Notables, and Quotes

The Atlantic has successfully demonstrated how big picture, big-think journalism can be done in the Internet age.Folio

The Atlantic does this a lot: launches large, provocative conversations that you later hear endlessly dissected on cable news, in the blogosphere, and on Twitter. It is a think piece factory.NPR

Magazine of the Year
(2016 National Magazine Awards)

Publisher of the Year
(Digiday Awards)