BTS on What It Means Winning Billboard's Top Social Artist Award...and What's Next

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At the Billboard Music Awards Sunday night, South Korea's seven-piece boy band BTS (Bangtan Boys, or "Bulletproof Boy Scouts" in English) made history when they become the first k-pop band to win the Top Social Artist award—beating Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, and Ariana Grande to do it.

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On Monday, their name was everywhere on U.S. outlets, with Rolling Stone, E! Online, Mashable, People, and more all posting explainers on who BTS is. This is BTS's biggest U.S. mainstream breakout moment yet, but not their first. BTS's global A.R.M.Y fan base has steadily been building since the band got together in 2013. Their love of the band and social media power have helped propel the boys to a level of global recognition few other k-pop bands have achieved.

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BTS's members—Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Rap Monster, Jimin, V, and Jungkook—have released nine albums and are wrapping up Episode III of their worldwide Live Trilogy Tour. They write their own songs that cover many genres (everything from hip-hop and rap to power ballads) and have received accolades for their perfectly-synced, elaborate choreography on stage and in their music videos. Twitter gave them a special emoji; the band's U.S. shows sold out in hours. interviewed BTS ahead of the award show about what winning Billboard's Top Social Artist award would mean to them, how they came together at company Big Hit Entertainment (in South Korea, music companies recruit and put together bands of artists called idols) and what to expect next.

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U.S. news outlets say you're on the cusp of "blowing up" in the U.S. How has it felt for you guys taking in all this?

Rap Monster: I think so many miracles have happened, from Twitter emoji to the Billboard Music Awards. But at the same time, we're just getting started and there are still more amazing things to accomplish for BTS and we can't wait for that to happen.

J-Hope: It's such an honor for BTS, and I'd have to say it's only a beginning. We want to and will go further and higher. It's all possible with the support of our fans around the world.

Jungkook: It's sometimes just unbelievable; partially maybe it was a bit of luck. But we do our best and keep working no matter what. The fans supported us so much, they love us. We'd like to go higher from here.

Jimin, JungKook, and SUGA.

What would it mean to you guys to win the Top Social Artist award at the BBMAs?

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Rap Monster: It's just an awesome thing to happen for BTS—first, being invited to the BBMAs where all these top-notch artists gather in the same place. If we win Top Social Artists Award, it is made possible by A.R.M.Ys (our fans) around the world, and our honor and gratitude goes directly to them.

What impact would you like to make on the U.S. music scene?

Suga: I want to be on the Billboard Hot 100 with a single that has Korean lyrics.

Jimin: I wish BTS could set up a model for k-pop with the best music and content so we have a positive impact on the U.S. music scene.

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Can you tell me a bit about your backstory? You are all incredible lyricists, singers, and dancers. How did you build those skills and know music was your calling?

Rap Monster: I loved writing lyrics for rap when I was in junior high. I loved studying, but somehow I wanted to be a rapper who can write and rap.

Suga: I have [been] writing rhymes and lyrics, a habit since I was a kid. They are all the little minor feelings and thoughts that go through my mind. I shuffle them a year or so later, and they sometimes become great lyrics for songs.

J-Hope: When I was a little kid, I simply loved music and enjoyed expressing myself with my body. Everyone liked me when I went up on the stage at a talent search in elementary school, and that's when I decided to become a music artist.

Jin, j-hope, and Jimin.

How did all seven of you come together to join your company Big Hit Entertainment—and ultimately, the final line up of BTS?

Rap Monster: I was introduced to our executive producer, "hitman" Bang, and auditioned in front of him. He told me later that he felt his destiny was to create a "hip-hop idol band" when he first met me. SUGA joined the team after me and j-hope was the third member (he was quite popular for his dancing in his hometown). With the rest of the four members joining the band, BTS was born in 2013.

You guys are going to the Billboard Music Awards ceremony. What are you most looking forward to?

Jin: Everything!! It's my first time in Las Vegas and at the BBMAs. Looking forward to everything about it.

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Jimin: Being invited to the awards itself is a thrill and a chill.

V: Performances of all the legends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You've also been playing across the U.S. What's been your favorite memory from the U.S. stretch of your tour?

Jin: On the tour, I noticed that quite a number of people spoke Korean to communicate with us. It was so great, and they were special moments.

V: Every one of the shows on the U.S.—the tour was unforgettable. Personally, it was my favorite moments when I went to MoMA [Museum of Modern Art] in NY and the Chicago Art Museum.

What sets you apart from other k-pop groups is the fact you are so personal in your lyrics and willing to speak out about mental health. How have the songs you've written—and expressing those feelings through music—helped you grow as young men?

Rap Monster: My songs have made me someone who constantly observes society and wants to be a person who can have [a] better, positive impact on other people.

J-Hope: The music helped me sympathize with our young generation and also empathize with them. I'd like to create and write more music that represents them.

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What message do you hope people take from your music?

Suga: I want people to get positive energy from our music. Life is tough, and things don't always work out well, but we should be brave and go on with our lives.

J-Hope: We deliver many different messages to people of our generation. I want them to get good energy by listening to BTS music.

Jimin: It would be really great if our music continues to touch people. Once your heart is moved, it will develop to something better and positive.

"Once your heart is moved, it will develop to something better and positive." -Jimin

If you together had to make a seven song playlist for a BTS new listener, what songs do you recommend they listen to?

J-Hope: "No More Dream", "Boy In Luv", "DOPE", "FIRE", "Save Me", "Blood Sweat & Tears", "Not Today".

Your dancing is incredible. For someone who isn't as familiar with your music, what music video do you believe shows off your best choreography as a group?

"DOPE" & "Save ME".

What was the hardest routine to pick up?

"Spring Day": Very modern dance-kind of choreography.

You guys are about to wrap Episode III of your BTS Live Trilogy tour. What can fans look forward to seeing explored next in your music?

Jin: We're still working on it, but as you have seen it on last tours, whatever comes next is going to be exciting and special.

Jimin: New storyline going to be new and something we can all enjoy. I look forward to your support!

How has your song-writing evolved as you've worked together? Has your success in the U.S. and internationally changed the way you write your music at all, knowing it's for a global audience?

Suga: It has not changed my style. I try not to be influenced by success or popularity.

Jungkook: It's made me want to create more fresh and better music and that's why we all try to listen and study more music.

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What song has meant the most to you that you've written and why?

Rap Monster: Probably "Spring Day." I wrote the melody and lyrics for the song .

Suga: All the songs I've written. They made me a better person and helped me grow up.

J-Hope: "Mama". It was my first solo track, and it means much to me because it's about my mother.

Rap Monster, this one is for you: I heard you taught yourself English by watching 'Friends,' which is impressive! What character do you think you're most like? And what Friends character do you think each of your bandmates is most like?

Rap Monster: Chandler! I've always admired his sense of humor. But I can't choose a bandmate like him….

Joey: Jungkook

Ross: Jin

Phoebe: V

Monica: RM [Rap Monster]

Rachel: Cannot decide


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