Number of supercar groups arrested for speeding

Seventeen members of online supercar clubs were nabbed for stunt driving on Seoul expressways, police said Thursday. Among them are five members of a Ferrari online community who are suspected of driving the cars at speeds of 300 ...

Diplomat slams retirees’ return as political appointees

With a growing number of former diplomats making their foray into politics, an incumbent senior ambassador has stoked internal debate after openly criticizing retirees’ comeback to the diplomatic service as political appointees, ...

Probe into May 18 to gain momentum under Moon govt

An official state-led investigation into Gwangju’s May 18 Democratization Movement is anticipated to get back on track, after President Moon Jae-in reiterated his commitment to carrying on the spirit of the 1980 civilian uprising...

Moon vows to uphold spirit of Gwangju uprising

GWANGJU -- Over the past years, the May 18 National Cemetery in this staunchly liberal city in the southwest has been the subject of implied neglect by national leaders, with a sense of dissatisfaction roaming in the annual commem...

[Newsmaker] New veteran affairs chief breaks glass ceiling

The Patriots and Veteran Affairs Ministry was created in 1961 as a state body dedicated to war veterans and retired solders. But in reality, it looked more like an old guards’ network in which retired generals were handpicked fro...

Trump willing to engage NK, but stresses ‘right conditions’: envoy

US President Donald Trump said Wednesday he is willing to engage North Korea, but emphasized the “right conditions” as a prerequisite, Seoul’s special envoy said. Hong Seok-hyun, a former chairman of JoongAng Media Network who ...

Probe of top brass sends prosecution into doldrums

Two high-ranking officials of the Justice Ministry and the prosecution offered to resign Thursday, a day after President Moon Jae-in ordered an internal investigation into allegations that they gave money to subordinates who inves...

Emergency exits or doors to death?

Concerns are growing over dangers posed by emergency exits with no balcony or ladder after another man accidentally fell to his death in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province. The accident, which occurred earlier this month, has reignited...

Korea dismisses Japan's protest against maritime research near Dokdo

South Korea said on Thursday it has dismissed Japan's protest against its scientific research near Dokdo, reaffirming that the country's easternmost islets are part of its sovereign territory. Earlier, Japanese media reported that...

Thousands of N. Korean propaganda leaflets found in eastern city

GANGNEUNG -- Thousands of North Korea's propaganda leaflets were found in the eastern city of Gangneung on Thursday, police said, in the latest propaganda campaign carried out by the reclusive regime against the South.  North Kor...

3,000 to debate fine dust problems in central Seoul

The Seoul Metropolitan Government will host a debate at Gwanghwamun Square on May 27 to bring people together to help solve the fine dust problem.A group of 3,000 citizens, divided into 100 different teams and each joined by envir...

Ahn Cheol-soo expects multiparty cooperation for Moon administration

Political parties should cooperate with the new Moon Jae-in administration, former presidential candidate Ahn Cheol-soo of the People’s Party said Thursday. “I hope that the Moon Jae-in administration is successful,” Ahn said a...

Park's secret doctors convicted of illegal treatments, perjury

Former President Park Geun-hye's doctors received prison terms Thursday for treating her without meeting due legal procedures or perjury in relation to a corruption scandal that removed Park from office. The Seoul Central District...

All PSC-inspected N. Korean ships have deficiencies: report

All North Korean ships, which underwent safety inspections at ports in the Asia-Pacific region last year, were found to have had deficiencies, a US broadcaster said Thursday. "North Korea recorded a 100 percent deficiency rate in ...

Cheong Wa Dae voices concerns over restoration of Moon’s birthplace

The presidential office on Thursday raised concerns over President Moon Jae-in’s hometown city’s plans to restore his birthplace, saying that the plans may send a conflicting message. Speaking to reporters Thursday, a Cheong Wa ...