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How to use Google Books

On Google Books, you can read books and magazines, download them for later, cite them and translate them.

Read books and magazines 

  1. Go to Google Books.
  2. In the search bar, enter the title, author, ISBN, or keywords.
  3. Click Search Books. To search with filters, go to Advanced Search.
  4. Click a book or magazine title. You might see a preview or the entire book or magazine.

Download, cite, or translate a book

Download a free copy of a book

You might be able to download some books and magazines for free.

  1. Go to Google Books.
  2. In the search bar, enter the title, author, ISBN, or keywords.
  3. Click a book.
  4. Hover over eBook - Free. If you don’t see this, you might have to pay for the book, or it might not be available.
  5. Next to "Download," click PDF or EPUB.
Cite a book
  1. Search for a book on Google Books.
  2. Click a book.
  3. On the left, click About this book.
  4. Scroll down to the "Bibliographic information" section. You’ll see information you can use to cite the book.
Translate part of a book
  1. At the top of a book’s page, click Cut Cut.
  2. Select text in the book.
  3. Click Translate.

A book isn't available in full view

If you don’t see the entire book or can’t download it, here are some reasons why:

  • If the book is copyrighted, the rightsholder has to agree for the book to be displayed.
  • The book might not be scanned by the Google Books team yet.

If you think the book is in the public domain in your country but still isn't available in full view, ask us to review it.

If you are the rightsholder and want us to show more of the book, claim the book.

Contact us

To get help with purchased books or books you submitted, report quality issues and missing pages, report illegal or offensive content, contact us.

Katie is a Search expert and author of this help page.

Katie is a Search expert and author of this help page. Leave her feedback below about the page.

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