The Crown will replace Matt Smith, Claire Foy and its ENTIRE CAST after two seasons

​Here's how rights of succession work on Netflix.

Netflix's right royal new series The Crown has some serious star names on board - with Claire Foy and Matt Smith leading the cast.

But, believe it or not, the show is going to ditch its leads once season two - shooting since early October - has wrapped filming.

But don't panic, there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this...

Claire Foy and Matt Smith in Netflix's 'The Crown'
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The Crown is planned to run for six seasons and explore the Queen's entire life, with older actors being brought on board to play Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip for the show's third and fourth year.

The parts will then be recast again for the fifth and sixth seasons, which are expected to bring the story bang up to date.

Series producer Andrew Eaton has revealed that there have been "conversations" about who might play the Queen next, but insisted that for now the focus is firmly on Foy.

Claire Foy as Elizabeth II in Netflix's The Crown

"We saw a number of actresses in the beginning [to play the young Elizabeth] who were all brilliant, but Claire... there was something about her," he said.

"If you're going to take this character - and she's doing all of the first two seasons, so it's 20 hours with the same character - it's got to be someone that you can identify with and feels vulnerable and sympathetic and she has that quality as a person.

"Everyone fell in love with her and she felt like somebody that you could go on that journey with for that length of time. Some of the other people who auditioned, it felt like they were trying to do more of an impression of the Queen, rather than create a character who was based on her."

You can judge for yourself when The Crown drops its 10-part first season on Netflix this Friday (November 4).

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Jenna Coleman in ITV's Victoria, Claire Foy in Netflix's The Crown
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