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Charles Hurt

Articles by Charles Hurt

U.S. President Barack Obama greets people as he leaves Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, adjacent to Honolulu, Hawaii, en route to Washington, Sunday, Jan. 1, 2017, after his annual family vacation on the island of Oahu. (AP Photo/Marco Garcia)

Oblivious Obama pens farewell as world burns down around him

Bearing his trademark humility and modest historical self-regard, President Obama this week announced that he will, indeed, follow the lead of George Washington and allow "for a peaceful, democratic transfer of power." Published January 3, 2017

Bill Clinton

Bubba's shift from man of people to elitist is complete

President-elect Donald Trump has so thoroughly turned the political world upside down and inside out that he has entirely defanged Bill Clinton. The most potent and effective operative dominating the American political scene for nearly 30 years is now an out-of-touch elitist snob. Published December 20, 2016

A scene from the 1985 Chevy Chase film, "Fletch."

All the fake news that's fit to print!

Long after the rest of America gave up on the mainstream media, the Old Gray Lady has finally discovered the fake news we have complained about for decades. And as with most things, the New York Times takes it to a level and sophistication that is the envy of the establishment media firmament. Published December 12, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump's picks to lead the Pentagon and HUD show business will not go on as usual in Washington. (Associated Press)

Trump defines business as not-usual for D.C.

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different outcome, then Donald J. Trump is curing insanity in American politics. Published December 6, 2016

Jeff Sessions was nominated by President Reagan in 1986 for a judgeship, but senators blocked him over what they said were racist tendencies. (Associated Press/File)

Democrats honed the dog whistle of racism on Sessions

In 1986, President Reagan nominated Jefferson Beauregard Sessions to the federal bench. The son of a general store keeper, Mr. Sessions was highly regarded for his intellect and devotion to the Constitution. The American Bar Association deemed him "qualified" for the post. But then he came to Washington and met the United States Senate for confirmation hearings. Published November 21, 2016

Anthony Weiner

Hell hath no fury like a Weiner scorned

Behold, the Revenge of the Weiner. Only in the world of the Clintons could a lecherous serial oversharer like Anthony Weiner become such a star. Published October 30, 2016

Hillary Clinton (Associated Press/File)

'Psychotic' Hillary and her lyin' team would make Machiavelli blush

Hillary Clinton is a liar. She has terrible instincts. She doesn't believe in anything. Her head is broken. She doesn't know why she should be president. She is pathological. And she is psychotic. Just ask everybody who works for her. Just ask campaign chairman John Podesta. Just ask the people working the hardest to get her elected president. Published October 27, 2016

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally, Monday, Oct. 24, 2016, in St. Augustine, Fla. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)

Trump may be what Grant was for Lincoln's America

Once again Donald Trump revealed his true inner racist self by going to a famous Civil War battlefield in a nod to the spectacular turning point in that epic war. Published October 24, 2016

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton waves to the audience as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump puts his notes away after the third presidential debate at UNLV in Las Vegas, Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016. (AP Photo/John Locher)

Donald Trump must spend rest of campaign talking about Hillary Clinton

From the start of this crazy, wild election, Mr. Trump's campaign slogan could have been, "Well, you can screw it up." That has been his message and it has worked running against first Republicans, then Democrats and now a cabal of Republicans, Democrats and the dishonest media. Published October 19, 2016

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump lays out his case against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during the second presidential debate Oct. 9 in St. Louis. (Associated Press)

Despite all the slime and party traitors, Donald Trump still has a chance

Donald Trump has had a rough couple of weeks. Democrats and the Clinton campaign -- by which I mean the media -- have thrown more slime and dirt at the Republican presidential nominee than any other politician in the history of television. Yet, Mr. Trump is still standing. Published October 18, 2016

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally at the Colorado State Fairgrounds in Pueblo, Colo., Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2016, to attend a rally. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Bush vs. Clinton redux in 2016

It was always going to be this way: Bush vs. Clinton 2016. From the very start, the media tried to rig this election to be a showdown between the Republican Party's polite and uptight Bush clan and the Democratic Party's shameless and self-serving Clinton mafia. Published October 12, 2016