Kitchen Accessories

10 best cocktail kits

Master mixology and get creative in the drinks department with a carefully chosen selection

6 best recipe files

Get organised like a Bake Off champion and put all your show-stopping recipes in one place

12 best saucepan sets

Whether you’re looking for your first set to take to uni or want to upgrade your battered and mismatched kit for something new and shiny, we’ve got it all panned out

10 best kitchen timers

Say goodbye to overdone sponge cakes and boiled-to-death veg with a well-chosen ticker

10 best bread knives

Which blades will slice your loaf with ease and precision?  IndyBest gives the verdict on those that make the final cut

10 best water filter jugs

Why lug bottles of water home when you can make your own? Get better tasting water on tap and keep that pesky limescale out of the kettle with our choice of the best water filter jugs

10 best manual coffee makers

From stove-top solutions to gallery-worthy gadgets, IndyBest finds the most effective ways of getting your daily shot

10 best Pancake Day accessories

Make sure you are ready for Shrove Tuesday tomorrow. IndyBest finds flipping good kitchen kit for sweey and savoury creations

10 best recycling bins

Keep your glass, paper and plastics  neat and tidy with a practical vessel. IndyBest finds waste holders to organise your outgoings

Coffee time: 10 best cafetières

You don’t need to splash out on a fancy machine to make a fresh, strong cup. Try one of these traditional makers to serve up your caffeine fix

The 10 Best frying pans

Whether it's for a full English or something more sophisticated, here's a piece of kit you can't live without

The 10 Best corkscrews

Don’t hide it at the back of a drawer. Once a simple thing, the waiter’s friend is now a hi-tech piece of kitchen kit...

The 10 best fruit bowls

Eating healthily is more appealing when the food is displayed beautifully. So arrange your apples and pears in one of these elegant table-top pieces.

The 10 Best kitchen knives

These are the tools favoured by chefs in the world’s top restaurants and budding masterchefs at home. Slice and dice with this cut of the finest blades...