The Democratic vice-presidential hopeful focuses on Donald Trump’s controversial remarks, while the GOP governor accuses Hillary Clinton of running “an insult-driven campaign.”

(Rick Wilking / Reuters)

Tom Steyer's NextGen Climate is expanding its efforts to 300 campuses in a dozen battleground states.

Four times Pence disagreed with Trump on policy during the Vice Presidential debate

Tuesday's vice presidential debate revealed breaks between Pence and Trump on policy issues.

  • 2 hours ago
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The Trump campaign has figured out how to exploit debate moderators’ fear of fact-checking

The risks of ignoring the truth go way down when you don't get called out.

Young people would really like to vote for someone not named Clinton or Trump

That includes preferring people named Pence or Kaine.

Is voting for Hillary Clinton a symptom of low testosterone? This Florida doctor says, yes.

Dareld Morris quips that he'll offer free testosterone exams for any man thinking of voting for the Democratic presidential nominee.

Humans are very, very good at persuading ourselves that our side is winning.

  • Ozan Kuru, Josh Pasek, Michael Traugott
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  • Monkey Cage
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  • 3 hours ago
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HHS officials have failed to implement years-old recommendations to correct the problems.

The loss of a straight ticket voting option could have major consequences in 2016.

  • Erik J. Engstrom, Jason M. Roberts
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  • Monkey Cage
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  • 5 hours ago
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Xavier Becerra is getting a lot of buzz for a potential cabinet post.

What's next: Martians landing on Capitol Hill?

  • Stuart Rothenberg
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  • PowerPost
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  • 6 hours ago
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This way lies tyranny.

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Gov. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) faced off in their first and only vice-presidential debate on Oct. 4, moderated by CBSN's Elaine Quijano.

Washington Post reporter Ed O'Keefe breaks down the first and only vice presidential debate between Tim Kaine and Mike Pence.

Here's our roundup of 25 suspect facts uttered during the debate between Sen. Tim Kaine and Gov. Mike Pence

Here's a closer look at six of the more suspicious claims vice-presidential candidates Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Gov. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) made during their first and only debate on Oct. 4.

The Fix’s Callum Borchers breaks down the challenges that CBSN’s Elaine Quijano faced while moderating the vice-presidential debate between Tim Kaine and Mike Pence on Oct. 4.

The Virginia senator came across as over-rehearsed, absorbing a possible hit against his authenticity.

He often presented contrasts with Trump but still had to defend many Trump controversies.

Gov. Mike Pence defends Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's comments at the vice-presidential debate on Oct. 4.

They both support an amendment that prohibits Medicaid for paying for abortions

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) interrupted Gov. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) repeatedly at the Oct. 4 vice-presidential debate in Farmville, Va. But it didn't always pay off.

At the vice-presidential debate on Oct. 4, Sen. Tim Kaine and Gov. Mike Pence both spoke about times their religious views have run counter to public policy.

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