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The Washington Post

The Foxhall Road home was once the French ambassador’s temporary residence.

(John McDonnell / The Washington Post)

Rachel Rosenthal is a professional organizer and owner of Rachel and Company, a full-service organizing firm in Bethesda, Md. Submit questions now and join us Thurs. at 11 a.m. EST.

Place mat maker Sandy Chilewich dumped traditional table coverings 16 years ago for a more modern look.

A special spray-on lacquer will keep it from losing its luster so quickly.

Read the transcript from week's Home Front chat.

Experts vie for ribbons in Fairfax’s Rose Fest.

The key is to give them a variety of wholesome foods to choose from.

Enliven your space with these trendy yet timeless global-inspired items, all available online.

Take a look at the glamorous spaces designed for this year’s show house.

The Foxhall Road home was once the French ambassador’s temporary residence.

Five eye-catching beverage bars in the 2016 DC Design House.

New York’s Wave Hill has a few tricks to keep its gardens looking flashy.

You can create a unique display out of them, but there’s another option to consider.

Read the transcript from week's Home Front chat.

You can use them to add flavor, texture and beauty to a dish. Just don’t eat the toxic ones.

Designer Nicole Lanteri creates a glam master bedroom for a Silver Spring homeowner.

The color can provide drama, stillness or sophistication. It just depends on how you use it.

Secrets of the ultimate lawn renovation.

Steer clear of acidic cleaners and find a mildly alkaline one.

Read the transcript from week's Home Front chat.

Use this pretty, soil-enhancing legume as a replacement for ugly black plastic.

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