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Pending Rules Amendments

Any change to the federal rules must be designed to promote simplicity in procedure, fairness in administration, the just determination of litigation, and the elimination of unjustifiable expense and delay.

The process for promulgating an amendment to a rule or form involves several levels of consideration and approval, the first of which is consideration and approval by the appropriate advisory committee and then the Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure. Following approval by the Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, proposed amendments must be considered and approved by the Judicial Conference, the Supreme Court, and then Congress. Below are proposed rules and forms amendments currently under consideration at each level following approval by the Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure.

Amendments Approved by the Rules Committees – Pending Judicial Conference Review

  • There are no rules amendments currently under review.

Amendments Approved by the Judicial Conference – Pending Supreme Court Review

  • There are no rules amendments currently under review.

Amendments Adopted by the Supreme Court – Pending Congressional Review

The following rules were adopted by the Supreme Court and transmitted to Congress on April 28, 2016:

  • Appellate Rules 4, 5, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 28.1, 29, 32, 35, and 40, and Forms 1, 5, and 6, new Form 7 and new Appendix;
  • Bankruptcy Rules 1010, 1011, 2002, 3002.1, 7008, 7012, 7016, 9006, 9027, and 9033, and new Rule 1012;
  • Civil Rules 4, 6, and 82; and
  • Criminal Rules 4, 41, and 45.

The rules, orders adopting the rules, and letters of transmittal are available on the website of the Supreme Court of the United States. The entire package of materials transmitted to Congress is available here.

Bankruptcy Forms - Pending Judicial Conference Review

There are currently no Official Bankruptcy Forms pending Judicial Conference review.  Find out about recent changes to bankruptcy forms.