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Monday, June 13, 2016

Business Day Technology


Analysis From Apple’s Developer Conference: A Series of Upgrades

At its annual conference for software developers on Monday, Apple was trying to demonstrate that it was still a purveyor of high-quality software and services.
Tony Avelar/Associated Press

At its annual conference for software developers on Monday, Apple was trying to demonstrate that it was still a purveyor of high-quality software and services.

Apple announced new features for the operating systems running its products, reflecting pressure to improve its software and services as hardware sales slow.

Apple Starts to Woo Its App Developers

With growing competition from the likes of Google and Amazon, Apple appears to be working to improve its relationship with app makers.

From left, Jeff Weiner, chief executive of LinkedIn; Satya Nadella, chief executive of Microsoft; and Reid Hoffman, a founder of LinkedIn.

From left, Jeff Weiner, chief executive of LinkedIn; Satya Nadella, chief executive of Microsoft; and Reid Hoffman, a founder of LinkedIn.

The companies said that Microsoft would pay $196 a share to acquire LinkedIn, the business social network site.

A Computer Security Start-Up Turns the Tables on Hackers

Area 1 Security heads off cyberattacks by tapping into servers known to be compromised by hackers, and monitoring the attackers’ activities.

The Chinese Hackers in the Back Office

A dusty old computer in a mom-and-pop Wisconsin welding shop is giving a digital security firm a window into the operations of Chinese hackers.

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Tech Fix

What You Need to Know About Apple’s Software Upgrades

The Apple operating systems of iOS, tvOS, MacOS and WatchOS will be upgraded in the fall.

Microsoft Takes Aims at Sony With Cheaper Xbox, Virtual Reality and Cross-Platform Games

Fighting to hold on to console players, Microsoft will sell a cheaper Xbox One and introduce a virtual reality console next year.

For Microsoft, LinkedIn Deal Could Be a $26.2 Billion Time Machine

Microsoft’s extraordinarily generous takeover bid harks back to a time of higher technology valuations, but some analysts say there’s no going back.

Apple to Offer App Developers Access to Siri and iMessage

In an effort to keep developers happily writing apps for its software, as well as to reinvigorate its products, Apple will allow access to two of its crown jewels, hoping to spur creativity.

Microsoft and Apple Making Headlines

Microsoft’s planned acquisition of LinkedIn and Apple’s developer conference were the talk of tech on Monday.

Tech Tip

Keeping an iPhone Online When the Signal Is Weak

Wi-Fi Assist in iOS 9 can keep your device connected to the internet even when your wireless network signal is wobbly, but you may have to pay for it.

Walgreens Cuts Ties to Blood-Testing Company Theranos

In another blow to Theranos, the embattled blood-testing company, Walgreens said it would no longer offer its laboratory services in 40 of its stores.

New Chapter for Classic Paris Bookstore: Books Printed on Demand

Les Puf, which shut about 10 years ago because of falling profits and soaring rent, has a new location and business model: books printed before customers’ eyes in five minutes.

Cable Industry Mobilizes Lobbying Army to Block F.C.C. Moves

Giants like Comcast, AT&T and Verizon oppose plans to limit broadband providers’ ability to share users’ data and to open the market for set-top boxes.


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Bits Special Section

The Internet Can Be Mean. But Sometimes It Redeems Itself.

The internet has altered global culture almost beyond recognition and is reshaping issues from gender identity to military conflict.

Personal Technology

E3, Fading Catnip for Video Gamers, Tries a New Approach

E3 has lost some industry participants in what was once a premier event, but it is adjusting its lineup and adding an event for gamers.

App Smart

Getting Over Stage Fright With the Help of Your Smartphone

Speaking in front of people can be terrifying. Several apps can help ease jittery nerves and possibly make you a more effective and eloquent speaker.

Tech Tip

Adding Features to Windows 10

Windows 10 includes some programs apps that may not be on (or off) by default, but you can take matters into your own hands.

Tech Tip

When Android Meets iCloud

Apple’s iCloud service does not work with every mobile browser, but there is still a way you can log in from an Android gadget.

Tech Tip

Using Google Now for iOS

Google makes a version of its predictive assistant software for Apple devices, but the native Android version has more features.

Tech Tip

Expanding the Start Menu

The version of the Start Menu included with Windows 10 gives you more control over both the size of your app tiles and the menu itself.

Tech Tip

Taking OS X Security Seriously

Macs are not immune from malicious software or social engineering attacks but there are several ways to help protect the computer.

App Smart

Games Put Auto Racing Action in the Palm of Your Hand

Three racing apps offer striking graphics along with a choice of cars, situations and degrees of control.

App Smart

Give Your Smartphone a Kitchen Apron, Too

Cooking apps, like SideChef and Yummly, guide you through the cooking experience and give access to thousands of recipes.

App Smart

Artificial Intelligence Makes the Phone a Personal Assistant

Smartphone apps offer a hint of the possible uses for emerging artificial intelligence technology.

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