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One of my all time favorite moments is from G.I. Joe. No, I'm not kidding. Terrible movie, yadda yadda, but ...

That climax? Where the villain hits the self-destruct and the base starts to blow up? And everything's exploding and ice from the ice pack above starts to drop down through the water and crush the base?

This guy near the front row couldn't take it anymore. He stood up, threw his hands up at the screen, and with a voice that proclaimed the death of his childhood dreams, screamed aloud:


His friends immediately jump up and pull him back down into his seat, or try to as he keeps shouting at the screen, all his hopes and dreams sunk with the ice which, as he pointed out, should not be sinking.

I and the theater about died laughing.

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6 points · 12 hours ago

I remember coming out of that movie, my brain trying to process everything that happened in that film. I turned to a friend.

"...Doesn't Ice float?"

5 points · 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago

Licensing of the software is a big part of it. Both the games and the software in the system itself is subject to various legal requirements and deals. The hardware is the same way. Companies involved in the chipsets may be gone, may not be interested in making more parts, ect. Not to mention a number of the companies that developed games are defunct or bought out by a larger company that wants a one way deal. Games that have copyrighted material in them have to have entirely new copyright deals crafted. Not to mention that the cost of investing into restarting manufacturing of the hardware components is often not considered worth the return. The PS1 classic had potential and frankly could have been fantastic if they just used a better chipset. The team involved in its development however decided to use an ARM processor thats simply put not powerful enough for the emulator. The emulator used in it is actually quite good its just not optimized for low end ARM and if we are being honest needs a decent PC to really run well. PS1 classic should have been a mini PC for 130-150. It would have given them a way more adequate machine as well as the potential for a lot more games in the onboard library. I feel the lack of decent software in the classic we got is a reflection of the confidence the rest of the industry had in the sales of the hardware after they looked at it. Put bluntly they took a look at the hardware and knew it was going to run like ass so they werent interested.

IMHO the Genesis classic is the only of the "reboot" systems thats been truly worthy of praise. The PS1 classic could have been way better if Sony actually used hardware that worked and the Nintendo boxes have a disappointingly small lineup that a retro pie or PC with something like Big Box and retroarch basically smears the floor with. Its also worth noting that things like the Retro Duo exist so people who are still collecting vintage physical media for old consoles have new made boxes to run them. Basically, first party companies rebooting old consoles have to consider it worth the investment AND need a customer base actually interested in it.

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9 points · 1 day ago

LOL at the Genesis Classic being worthy of praise. It's poor emulation with terrible sound. The Nintendos are so easy to mod it's almost a feature. They're hands down the best. Supposedly Sega is making a real box soon.

82 points · 2 days ago

I guess the Mortal Engines was DOA?

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15 points · 2 days ago

Not sure what they were thinking by giving a YA book that kind of budget and scope in 2018, but I'm glad they did. Biggest disappointment of the year it bombing the way it did.

2 points · 2 days ago

Maybe, hard to judge. In the summer would still run into some Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney stuff. I'm still happy they moved on from Bay, even if it takes some time, I think they can turn audience eventually.

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1 point · 2 days ago

This woulda been the year for it. Infinity War was late April, DC took the year off until Aquaman, Star Wars bombed.

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Nah Bro, Head & Shoulders.

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4 points · 4 days ago

Great Googly Moogly! David Duchovney look

6 points · 11 days ago

Was going to, but changed mind at last second because it's not in Dolby. Seeing it next weekend though.

I remember seeing a Star Vs. comic on here a while ago but can’t seem to find it anymore. Anyone know if it’s still here or have a link?

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40 points · 17 days ago

Is it just me or does anyone else want to see the cosplay?

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4 points · 17 days ago

Yeah, keep hoping that one of these times the picture will be a link to an actual picture.

5 points · 17 days ago

Scott also thought the Alien should eat Ripley's head and speak in her voice as the ending of the film.

So what’s the best Japanese Steakhouse now that Genji is gone

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6 points · 24 days ago

House of Japan.

Hello, I love you.

And to be perfectly clear, I could care less about the song. I just get tired of all these which hunts over non-issues.. free speech is dead in this country, which is sad. Im getting off here now, going to go donate some Christmas items and let you knit wits argue over songs. ✌

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5 points · 25 days ago

What does this have to do with "Free Speech"?

7 points · 27 days ago · edited 27 days ago

perfectly said. When the revealing twist is meant to have an effect in the audience and not the match main character(s), you’re doing it wrong

EDIT: grammar

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5 points · 27 days ago

Agreed. While I like Into Darkness (Due to my headcanon that Benedict was lying about being Khan, he looks just like Joaquim from Wrath), the reveal was a lead balloon precisely because his name doesn't and shouldn't have any relevance to Kirk and Spock.

"My name...Is KHAN!"


biggest gaming forum

Ahahahaha. They wish.

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8 points · 1 month ago

Really? Who's bigger?

Not only are the main gaming reddits orders of magnitude bigger but nearly any random subreddit for even niche games and genres has more and even if you decide reddit doesnt count, IGN and GameFaqs forums alone are still literally 100x the size

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4 points · 1 month ago

Okay, so it's the biggest gaming forum that doesn't just let anyone in. Considering the cesspools that are IGN and Gamefaqs are, and what Reddit allows on it's platform, i'll still put them as the #1.

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5 points · 1 month ago

Jeez, that's about the third disaster Gerard's been involved with this year.

what are the other ones?

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Den of Thieves and Hunter Killer.

0 points · 1 month ago

So, a year and a half? Next Generation of Consoles is imminent.

Yeh, I mean I like iconoclasts, horizon and nier, but none of them are 10/10 masterpiece.

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Disagree. IMO, Horizon is one of my favorite games EVER. Game of the Generation. It hit all my marks.

7 points · 2 months ago

4 seasons or so, and then lead in to Darkwing Duck series.

-14 points · 2 months ago

Sorry you have a shitty theater. No reputable theater does this.

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2 points · 2 months ago

I've not been to a theatre in decades that actually had the starting time advertised. It's always 15-20 minutes after the official start time that the movie comes on.

You seem to be lost, this is for TRUE stories, not your fan fiction.

There has been nothing official about DW getting his own show. For some reason people think that we're getting reboots of DW and TaleSpin simply because they were referenced in DuckTales.

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0 points · 3 months ago

Based on the way they portrayed Don Karnage and shit on Cape Suzette, I doubt heavily we get anything Talespin related.

Who knows? I mean up until a few hours ago Hellboy was going to be released in January and we were going to have a comic book movie released every month from December this year to August next year. Now, it's playing everything by ear.

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True. The Disney owning them by the time it comes out might throw a wrench into it, though it not explictly being "X-Men" probably gives them cover. They just took the X-Men name off of Dark Phoenix as well.

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