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u/Ah_Q Describes why the USDOJ won't deny the TW/Comcast merger by shreknow91in bestof

[–]bigboy65 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

This was a good post. I like this post. I got gold in this post.

Punched up the fuckline by Panukkain gifs

[–]bigboy65 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

You made this video? I made this video

"As for this job, not that I have a choice, but, fuck it. I quit." Reporter resigns on air after revealing that she owns Alaska Cannabis Club. by Harmonica_Charliein news

[–]bigboy65 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Actually, in the federal level, if it were illegal, then no states would be able to legalize it. The government let the states decide whether to legalize marijuana or not. It's illegal in most of the states, except for the recent states that legalized it.

Man with sledgehammer shot by police by Wichitawesomein JusticePorn

[–]bigboy65 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Now introducing the Carl's Big Bang Burger. Get more Bang for your buck. So good it'll make you wanna

35 Rather Realistic Interpretations of ATLA/LOK Characters by MyWangsOnFirein TheLastAirbender

[–]bigboy65 43 points44 points  (0 children)

Jet Li should totally play Ozai when someone finally decides to make a ATLA movie.

My cousin works as an EMT. If you misspell a word you have to wear the C-Collar until the next person messes up by Rapadershin funny

[–]bigboy65 8 points9 points  (0 children)

What happens if the game ends and nobody else misspells a word? Do you leave it on till the next game? Kuz I think you should. Imagine performing CPR with that on! Or the reaction of someone injured who has been waiting for EMT and when it finally arrives you pop out with that thing!

Usher ripped off his #1 hit "OMG" from The Simpsons by [deleted]in videos

[–]bigboy65 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Although Scam.I.Am, Steal.I.Will

Weekly Question Thread - September 09 by AutoModeratorin ProtectAndServe

[–]bigboy65 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Im a fluent Spanish speaker (I'm Hispanic). What my professor made me realize is that in order to speak Spanglish, you must be proficient at both languages in order to automatically switch languages in the same sentence. I grew up in a predominantly hispanic community. Many Hispanics grew up speaking Spanglish. Which is what a lot of Hispanic people are now using. Spanglish is not a language but a way of slang talking. As an LEO, you spend most of your times in the streets. Well that's where Spanglish is being used. It's not a formal language but a way of speaking that is widely used. We speak Spanish to our parents and elders, English with people who don't speak Spanish, and Spanglish with friends. I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job of explaining what I mean, but i feel that it's a modern way in which many hispanics now communicate.

TL;DR Spanglish is not a language but rather a modern way in which Hispanics communicate.

Weekly Question Thread - September 09 by AutoModeratorin ProtectAndServe

[–]bigboy65 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This might sound weird but is being able to speak Spanglish something worthy of being put in a resume? I'm asking because one of my professors talked about how it was a "phenomenon" and how only a few can speak/understand it.

Background investigation question regarding college transcripts by bigboy65in AskLEO

[–]bigboy65[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That's what I'm worried about. About it being plagerism. It was my own work but I just used the same paper twice. Other than that most of the grades are A's and B's

Parents, please don't do this. by jaycrewin cringepics

[–]bigboy65 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Congratulations to Johnny...

Stopping at stop signs in an empty parking lot? by frothy-when-agitatedin AskLEO

[–]bigboy65 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is true. I used to be a security guard at a mall. We gave out "warning" tickets. We had a car parked literally in middle of the road. An officer that was near by said he couldn't do anything because it was private property. So we just gave her a useless "warning" ticket. I waited for the owner of the vehicle to return. It was a middle aged lady thinking that the space was a loading zone.

EMSK: Dining Etiquette 101 by N8theGr8in everymanshouldknow

[–]bigboy65 -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

Hmm good, good. Now remind me again which knife should be used to insert unto someone's eyes when I forget what the hell all these damn things are used for?

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits just WSW of American Canyon, CA by mct1in news

[–]bigboy65 1 point2 points  (0 children)

10 years ago i was told it could happen in 50 years. So does that mean it will happen withing 40 now?

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits just WSW of American Canyon, CA by mct1in news

[–]bigboy65 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Im in Sacramento and I felt that shit move the fkn building

MRW my ex texts me telling me she is in europe with her new boyfriend by demgainzin reactiongifs

[–]bigboy65 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Just make sure the guy isn't gay. Otherwise youd just be a fucking faggot. Never suck a gay man's dick. Ever.