'British child' blows up Isis prisoners in new execution video by reizorc in worldnews

[–]animeman59 [score hidden]  (0 children)

It's the closest we ever had to an actual flying tank. It's fucking glorious, and also one of the most rugged planes the U.S. ever built.

Many aviation enthusiasts love the A10 in a similar manner to Russian jets. Rugged, durable, and able to take a beating. Those who love U.S. designed jets love them for their technical prowess, precision, and advanced weaponry.

Netanyahu's wife abused household staff, Israeli court finds by hasangetinya in worldnews

[–]animeman59 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Don't ever refer to that sub. It's become a complete shithole ever since the mods were raided and taken over.

Microsoft to hold Windows 10 and Xbox gaming press event Feb. 25 by tallkido in pcgaming

[–]animeman59 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They missed their chance years ago with Games for Windows Live. Steam was the only other digital distribution storefront, and it was still in it's infancy. Microsoft could have cornered that damn market easily if their service wasn't utter shit and useless. They could have had a similar interface to Xbox Live, and could have allowed for Xbox controller support for navigation. They would have had one of the first big picture modes just by the design of the Xbox UI alone.

Now they have no chance at building a digital storefront for Windows. Even smaller stores like Origin and Uplay have a better entrenched foothold.

Rise of the Tomb Raider and XCOM 2 Are Selling Extremely Well on PC by TheTombRaider in pcgaming

[–]animeman59 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That type of rational thinking has no place in today's triggering victimhood.

Need for Speed releasing March 15; advanced visual options including 4K support and unlocked framerate by LouisvilleXV in pcgaming

[–]animeman59 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I never understood this whole faux car culture drivel that they try to shove down our throats with games like this. It's pandering and very corporate. Like a video game version of Poochy.

Just give me a damn good arcadey driving game, and I'll be happy.

Need for Speed - PC Reveal by ShiroQ in pcgaming

[–]animeman59 3 points4 points  (0 children)

You mean they're not going to lock the game at 30fps like the last travesty they released?

Need for Speed - PC Reveal by ShiroQ in pcgaming

[–]animeman59 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I think they realized that they were over-saturating the franchise at this point, and it's also hurting the quality of development.

Having a yearly Assassin's Creed is pretty fucking ridiculous anyway.

Here's how bad the Chromatic Aberration is in Dying Light... by BigTinz in pcgaming

[–]animeman59 2 points3 points  (0 children)

i want a FPS game to be me playing the person, not me watching the person through a camera lens. the screen effects should be shown the way eyes interpret it, not glass.

Fucking exactly! I don't know why developers keep adding these useless lens tricks to games that are supposed to mimic real world visuals. Same deal with Depth of Field and Motion Blur. Both camera tricks meant for film making. Not gaming.

This is also why I can't play on consoles anymore. You can't turn these useless settings off on console games. Thank God you can switch these off on PC.

What's your favorite show that you don't recommend to a lot of people because you understand it's not for everyone? by 0ddStranger in AskReddit

[–]animeman59 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Any and all anime that I love to watch.

It really is just the stigma of watching a cartoon that isn't goofy, or adult humor. To some of my friends, watching things like Ghost in the Shell, Blood+, Deathnote, Full Metal Alchemist, and others was like an eye opener.

You still have to keep them away from type "B" style shows, or anything regarding fan service. Gotta ease them into those things, or you scare them away.

What is a bigger threat than people realize? by archerthegreat in AskReddit

[–]animeman59 0 points1 point  (0 children)


The Surface 3 (Non Pro) continues to amaze me. by Tony_Danger in Surface

[–]animeman59 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Grid Autosport has touch screen controls? Holy shit!

Another game that works surprisingly well on the Surface is Darkest Dungeon. Especially if you use the pen since most of the game is controlled with nothing but the mouse. The pen mimics left and right click very well.

Fuller House - Official Trailer by TheSmallIndian in videos

[–]animeman59 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I'm happy to see wholesome Bob Saget return. After seeing the awesome raunchy Bob Saget, seeing him as this wholesome '90s version makes it even more hilarious.

why by Highdefkitten in pcmasterrace

[–]animeman59 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I heard from another post that this is why Linus Tech Tips records at 4K and then presents the video at Youtube 1080p. The quality gets closer to what you would actually see in a lossless 1080p video.

How Japan sees Americans by openzeus in videos

[–]animeman59 15 points16 points  (0 children)

New York accent? That was straight up a parody of Elvis Presley's speech.

AT&T fights to keep your internet as slow as possible by skoalbrother in technology

[–]animeman59 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's fiber, because they're using hemp strands for your connection.