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2 Free Ovaltine Packets (fb) by greyapricotin freebies

[–]Official_Batman 9 points10 points ago

Son of a BITCH

ISPs warned to ignore Google Fiber at their own peril by brocket66in technology

[–]Official_Batman 2 points3 points ago

FTTP implies non-residential buildings as well, I assume.

Over The Hill by ozzymustainein gaming

[–]Official_Batman 4 points5 points ago

Well technically, it's 1000MB, while 1024MB is a gibibyte (GiB). But for most intents and purposes, they are interchangeable. (Also, you have to factor in Mebibytes and Kibibytes, so in the end, a gigabyte is 1,000,000,000 bytes, while a gibibyte is 1,073,741,824)

Since it may soon be a reality, what can we expect to change if CISPA passes, and what can we do to protect ourselves? by lintamacarin AskReddit

[–]Official_Batman 0 points1 point ago

You forgot the most important part of being secure: common sense. If you have any doubts about security, don't be typing out things you wouldn't want the FBI to see.

Google Glass developers prohibited from using ads or charging for apps by naveenjnin Android

[–]Official_Batman 0 points1 point ago

The data collector Google needs, not the one it deserves.

Linux users of reddit, what is so great about using Linux, and how do you get started using it? by TheTiminator2010in AskReddit

[–]Official_Batman 0 points1 point ago

Oh yeah, 5 min is awful. To his credit, he is using a netbook, which doesn't help matters at all.

Google Glass developers prohibited from using ads or charging for apps by naveenjnin Android

[–]Official_Batman 14 points15 points ago

Unfortunately, you're in the minority, which is a bigger problem.

Also, after looking through the API docs, third party apps are restricted from the camera. As for the GPS, I suppose it's no different from an android phone in terms of location security and privacy.

Google Glass developers prohibited from using ads or charging for apps by naveenjnin Android

[–]Official_Batman 13 points14 points ago

I don't care if Google has my information either. I would be much more concerned about the 3rd-party apps that users will mindlessly download to their device. If one of them sells info out to some criminal organization, that user's security (even safety) is instantly gone.

Linux users of reddit, what is so great about using Linux, and how do you get started using it? by TheTiminator2010in AskReddit

[–]Official_Batman 7 points8 points ago

Word of advice: Do NOT use a persistent USB for day-to-day use. USBs are not designed to handle continuous bursts of data transfer, and may corrupt more easily than a traditional disk. Plus, the OS will be more laggy and prone to errors. However, persistent USBs are great if you need linux on a computer you are not permitted to install linux on the hard drive of.

Linux users of reddit, what is so great about using Linux, and how do you get started using it? by TheTiminator2010in AskReddit

[–]Official_Batman 10 points11 points ago

Anything more than 30 seconds for Linux is also pretty bad. Regardless, for me at least, Linux has consistently booted faster than windows, which is what he was probably trying to explain.

Linux users of reddit, what is so great about using Linux, and how do you get started using it? by TheTiminator2010in AskReddit

[–]Official_Batman 1 point2 points ago

I heard that some class 10s can be slower due to the way they handle short bursts of data. YMMV, but it might be worth a little research to make sure you get the best performance.

Linux users of reddit, what is so great about using Linux, and how do you get started using it? by TheTiminator2010in AskReddit

[–]Official_Batman 0 points1 point ago

But its apparent lagginess may discourage a user from trying it on a more powerful desktop or other device, where the experience would be much better. It's all about first impressions...

Google Glass developers prohibited from using ads or charging for apps by naveenjnin Android

[–]Official_Batman 15 points16 points ago

I think privacy ought to be another huge concern. Think about it: You will have a camera and a GPS monitoring your every move. If that information gets into the wrong hands, it could be disastrous. I bet some developers may try to sneak in some data collection so they can sell it and make money off of the app. Google will really need to crack down on reviewing apps, and ensure they cannot do bad stuff.

EDIT: I guess I wasn't clear in my wording, and not entirely accurate in my research. According to what I've seen in the API Docs, 3rd party apps will not have direct access to the camera (but might be able to access saved pictures), but they will have access to the last known location (so yes, it's about the same access level as a smartphone). Also, I have little concern over Google's collection of data (they've been doing it for all the services for years, apparently ethically), but am more worried about the 3rd party devs, who may rely on sold data as their only source of revenue in-app.

These are all over my hometown and somehow my aunt still got a ticket. by hilwilin funny

[–]Official_Batman 5 points6 points ago

...a GIF with you.


Also, the new guy seems to be doing better than the old guy, so there's that...

A lone guerilla in a civil war that never ends by likwitsnakein firstworldanarchists

[–]Official_Batman 1 point2 points ago

Go for it. I have a Mid 2008 MBP, and nearly 4 years later, I still have almost 3 hrs of battery life (full cycle every day), and specs can still keep up with today's software. I've tried win7, win8, and Ubuntu, and they've all worked brilliantly. Also, if you end up not liking OS X, you can even install linux without OS X on the machine at all. So if you have the money, and are prepared for a deluge of hate from techies with a superiority complex, you would not be disappointed.

PS: get the smallest built in hdd, and replace it with a regular SATA SSD. It makes a world of difference. (my MBP can boot faster than a not-yet-released windows 8 tablet pc) Plus, you can use the old drive as a time machine backup.

What exactly is source code? by Odoodoin askscience

[–]Official_Batman 0 points1 point ago

However, a big problem with code interpreters is it isn't optimized before running. This can be helped by writing "perfect" code, but if it isn't, it can be a bit of a bottleneck.

What was your biggest "holy shit why haven't I done this sooner" moment? by dvdglin AskReddit

[–]Official_Batman 0 points1 point ago

PSA: IP blocklists are your friend. They block any known IPs/IP ranges that are known for government/ISP/spying, so they cannot connect to your system. This site has a few good popular lists.

What was your biggest "holy shit why haven't I done this sooner" moment? by dvdglin AskReddit

[–]Official_Batman 1 point2 points ago

~15 here on a private tracker...It shoots down every time a major game is released...

Why do computers take so long to shut down? by phort99in askscience

[–]Official_Batman -2 points-1 points ago

Just to note, this has not always been true. Old (Pre OSX) Macs were rediculously fast at shutting down (<2s from click), so it really can depend on the hardware, OS, and running applications...

With Batman Beyond on Netflix by daz267in batman

[–]Official_Batman 6 points7 points ago

Eh, It's not all its cut out to be...

TIL There is a device that can permanently replace the function of your heart. Side effect- you have no pulse. by SailorJerry32in todayilearned

[–]Official_Batman 4 points5 points ago

I wonder how a defibrillator would work on the VAD...

"This guy needs a turbo boost!"

$60,000 Pinball Machine by vengeancecubein gaming

[–]Official_Batman 0 points1 point ago

Same here! I do some audio/video editing during my free time, so I got one of these (However, you might want to check this out as well...)

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