August 2009

Top Emerging Jobs In Publishing

It may be difficult today to imagine room at a publisher for new or emerging job titles. In a recent study conducted by ABM, 73 percent of b-to-b member company respondents say they’ve reduced or frozen hiring.

Self Boasts Most-Read Feature in Q2, According to Survey

Recent research from Affinity’s VISTA Print Rating Service for the second quarter reports Self’s June “20 Ways to Eat Healthier Right Now” as the most-read story, with 90 percent of the surveyed readers recalling the article (Total Readership), and 85...

Establishing the Digital Rate Card

Digital editions have been positioned as value-added for so long that first attempts at developing an advertising rate card can leave publishers at a loss.

Competing For Web Real Estate

While most magazine companies will agree that the most important element of a Web site is the editorial content, there are many other departments that are vying for prime space on the homepage. The circulation team wants a prominent spot...

Virtual Events Come Into Their Own

There’s no doubt that virtual events have their fair share of naysayers. Access Intelligence CEO Don Pazour once compared them to virtual sex.

A Regional’s Content Facelift Yields High Returns

When RMS media purchased Northshore in the spring of 2005, “It was a staple-bound, 36-44 page advertorial-format magazine that looked like a direct mail piece,” says RMS Media Group president Rick Sedler.

Battle Over Online Privacy Heats Up

The Venable Consortium, a group of media industry associations lead by AAAA, IAB, ANA, DMA and backed by counsel providers Venable LLP, recently took a significant, proactive step in the release of its “Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising.” The...

Preparing Your E-Lists for the Rental Market

Publishers’ growing urgency to get their marketing messages in front of audiences in a more economical and immediate way has caused e-mail lists to become hot commodities on the rental market. But not every list is created equal. In order...

The Need to ‘Slice, Dice’ Online Content

For decades there were three major TV networks that tried to be all things to all people. A few new networks appeared in the 1980s. One (FOX) focused on terrestrial broadcasting, but most (like CNN and MTV) were part of...

Conducting An Opportunity Audit

You might think that conducting an “opportunity audit” is a result of budget cuts and declining responses. Well, you’re right. However, it is really just smart marketing.

The Big Idea 2010

We all know that the top strategic priority this year isn’t really “online,” or “lead gen” or “events,” it’s flat-out survival. Planning for the future now means the next fiscal quarter, not the next five years.