Yes, you saw what you think you did, that Deadpool Easter Egg is confirmed

Yes, you saw what you think you did, that Deadpool Easter Egg is confirmed
Credit: 20th Century Fox, Marvel Comics

Deadpool has been unleashed unto the world, and one of the first things many viewers said to one another after that post-credits homage, was, “Wait, did we just see a Helicarrier in Deadpool?”

For one heady moment, a world in which Fox’s Deadpool may intermingle with Disney’s Marvel Cinematic Universe unfolded before our very eyes. Alas, as Drew McWeeny points out in his review, that’s likely as close as we’ll ever get to SpideyPool.

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Turns out yes, yes we can stop sexualizing Mary Jane Watson for five minutes

Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Last year as part of ALL-NEW ALL-DIFFERENT MARVEL, the company went all-in on that promise with Mary Jane Watson. The character moved into a new phase of her life and needed a coinciding change in scenery. So Marvel packed her up and moved one of Spider-Man’s main romantic interests over to INVINCIBLE IRON MAN. The decision seemed odd at first but seems to have gelled into an interesting storyline.

MJ was introduced in INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #4

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Marvel writer determined to not do ‘the sitcom version of pregnancy’ for new mom Spider-Woman

A baby on board is changing everything for former Avenger Jessica Drew
Marvel writer determined to not do ‘the sitcom version of pregnancy’ for new mom Spider-Woman
Credit: Marvel Comics

Spider-Woman: She’s a superhero who’s kicking ass and taking names… and bearing a child?

Yep, Jessica Drew is expecting. In Marvel’s current Spider-Woman run, the former Avenger is eight months pregnant when we catch up with her in issue #1, which hit shelves in October. Issue #4 arrives on Wednesday.

It’s not the first time we’ve seen a pregnant Marvel superhero — Sue Storm gave birth to her and Reed’s son in a 1968 Fantastic Four Annual — but what’s noteworthy here is how much Jessica’s motherhood is at the forefront of this Spider-Woman run and how much series writer Dennis Hopeless strove to make her new mom experience real and relatable.

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Why is Deadpool as addictive as crack?

Why is Deadpool as addictive as crack?
Credit: 20th Century Fox, Marvel Comics

Deadpool's headed into its second weekend in theaters and is expected to cross $200 million domestically, according to Deadline.

Fox took a significant risk by brining this character to the big screen, for the second time, played by the same actor, in a new continuity. It's a gamble that's more than payed off. As unusual as he is, Deadpool's also been a wildly popular -- though divisive -- comic character for years.

Here, Eric Eisenberg and Roth Cornet talk about Deadpool's storied history and why he became such a simultaneously hated and loved figure in comics.

Take a look in the player above.

Below we discuss why Deadpool has resonated so profoundly with movie audiences as well.

Take a look and let us know what you think here or on Twitter.

Roth: @RothCornet

Eric: @EEsienberg

Louis: @LouisVirtel

Chris: @HitfixChris

Why Deadpool Killed at the Box Office:

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Looks like we're getting an R-rated Wolverine 3

Looks like we're getting an R-rated Wolverine 3
Credit: 20th Century Fox, Marvel Comics

Deadpool's extraordinary box office success has the entertainment industry reevaluating what is possible for comic book, and more specifically superhero, movies.

Many expect to see a series of films hoping to emulate Deadpool's triumph over the next few years, but as James Gunn noted, it's not about playing copycat, but rather creating the freedom for each character to be and do what is appropriate for them.

The good news is, the door seems to be open for an R-rating where it is appropriate, and we may see 20th Century Fox walk through said door even sooner than expected.

An image of a Fox pamphlet taken at Toy Fair (via reveals that the expected rating for Hugh Jackman's upcoming Wolverine 3 is an R.

Take a look below:

Why Deadpool killed at the box office:

Now, that doesn't mean that the film will indeed have an R rating upon release. The James Mangold-directed movie isn't yet in production. What it does indicate is that 20th Century Fox is open to the possibility.

Hugh Jackman has previously told /Film that they were open to an R-rated Wolverine, saying "If you're ever going to make a real character R-rated, Wolverine's the one." Deadpool may have something to say about that.

That aside, the rumor is that Wolverine 3 will be based on the Old Man Logan storyline, which is certainly dark and violent enough to earn an R-rating. 

Ideally, we'll see this rating applied where appropriate, but not a rash of Deadpool knock-offs that don't make sense. I don't think we need an R-rated Guardians of the Galaxy 2, for example. Nor do I think we'll get one, come to that.

In the video above and below David Griffin and Roth Cornet look at what this potential rating may mean for the film and its storyline, and if we need an R-rating for a character that has previously existed in a PG-13 world.

Take a look and chat with us here or on Twitter.

Roth: @RothCornet

David: @Griffined

The Wolverine is set to hit theatres on March 3, 2017.

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The Flash: DC’s brilliant continuity maneuver brings infinite possibilities

The Flash: DC’s brilliant continuity maneuver brings infinite possibilities
Credit: CW, Warner Brothers Television, DC Comics

The Flash aired the second installment in its 2-episode Earth-2 arc last night, “Escape from Earth-2,” and it served up a fairly significant hint about this season’s big bad, Zoom.

In the video above and below, David Griffin and Roth Cornet explore the possibility that there is more than one Zoom in play, and if that’s the case, what that means for the larger DC TV universe.

Take a look and let us know what you think here or on Twitter.

Roth: @RothCornet

David: @griffinde

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Do these ToyFair reveals count as spoilers for 'Batman v Superman' and 'Suicide Squad'?

Or are they just new information?
Bat v Supes / Suicide Squad posters
Credit: Warner Bros.

After a heady few days of unbridled consumerism, ToyFair has come and gone. While the big takeaways this year were the new Ghostbusters villain and Aquaman’s costume from Dawn of Justice. But once I started sifting through the literal thousands of photos taken from the convention, a handful of other potential plot points popped up for both Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad. These are spoilers only in the broadest sense of the word since Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment signed off on these toy displays. Shout out to ToyArk for letting me use their photos!

First up? Dawn of Justice! Throughout the marketing campaign for Batman v Superman, Superman has been painted as a wild card. Who is this hyper-powerful alien who can wipe out whole swaths of humanity on accident? Is he friend or foe? What kind of oversight or control — if any — does he need? This looming statue of the Man of Steel graffitied with a message of distrust was one of the first we saw:

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Exclusive: Writer Holly Black on breathing new life into the LUCIFER comics

It's a monumental task.
Credit: Vertigo

A decade ago, Mike Carey’s LUCIFER ended it’s run after six years and 75 issues. Based on the SANDMAN character created by Neil Gaiman, LUCIFER gained a relatively small but dedicated based over the course of its run. But when the ink was dry on the last page, the story was over.

…or was it?

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Awww look how cute Groot is in the first 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' image!

Credit: Marvel Entertainment

James Gunn — the director of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy franchise — has been on fire this week. Production recently began on Volume 2 of the gang’s space adventures and so far we’ve seen the official logo for GotG2 and a diatribe by Gunn blasting Hollywood suits.

Now we get the first official image of Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Drax (Dave Bautista), Rocket (Bradley Cooper), and Groot (Vin Diesel) saddled up

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Is The Predator a Reboot, a Sequel, Or…

Is The Predator a Reboot, a Sequel, Or…
Credit: 20th Century Fox

The first image from director Shane Black’s The Predator was revealed earlier today, and it reinvigorated the mystique surrounding the film.

Very few plot details have been revealed, but it does seem that that the film will maintain some sense of continuity.

In the video above and below Chris Eggertsen and Roth Cornet dive into Black’s “inventive sequel” and where it may take this iconic creature.

Take a look and chat with us here or on Twitter. 

Roth: @RothCornet

Chris: @HitFixChris

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