Banshee is coming to 'Supergirl' and her costume is delightfully comic-booky

Where can I buy her boots?
Supergirl Banshee
Credit: CBS

There is a lot to love about CBS’ Supergirl. The unapologetic feminism, the refusal to put the show through a sepia filter, the unbridled optimism. But one of the best parts? The show's commitment to the more bonkers side of superheroes. Comic books are not known for their subtle costumes or muted palettes. It’s a world populated by green Martians and tomato red cyborgs. Call it campy or call it homages to the source material, Supergirl — and their make-up and costume departments — have gone all in.

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Johnny Depp removing his Trump makeup is amazing, terrifying

Johnny Depp removing his Trump makeup is amazing, terrifying
Credit: Twitter/ @Jeremykonner

Johnny Depp was so good as Donald Trump in Funny or Die's recent The Art of the Deal movie event, you can almost forget that he had to endure a lot of makeup to make the transformation.

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Triumph the Insult Comic Dog goes on 'The Late Show,' shows off his dog porn collection

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog goes on 'The Late Show,' shows off his dog porn collection
Credit: CBS

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and his endless supply of cigars went on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert last night to promote his 2016 Election Special on Hulu. Like most of Triumph's late night talk show appearances, he kept the host on his toes.

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Seth Meyers invited Melisandre to his wife's baby shower. It went as well as you might expect.

Seth Meyers invited Melisandre to his wife's baby shower. It went as well as you might expect.
Credit: NBC

Late Night host Seth Meyers is expecting his first child, so he and his wife, Alexi, had a baby shower. A few of Alexi's friends showed up, along with Seth's old college friend, Melisandre.

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In praise of 'Togetherness,' a very small show with very big emotions

Mark Duplass, Melanie Lynskey, Amanda Peet, and Steve Zissis return for season 2


Credit: HBO

At the end of the first season of their HBO dramedy Togetherness, brothers Mark and Jay Duplass talked with me about the transition from the world of independent filmmaking to TV storytelling. They'd been hoping to do a series together for a long time, and Togetherness — created by the brothers and their high school classmate Steve Zissis, who co-stars with Mark Duplass, Melanie Lynskey, and Amanda Peet — worked out even better than their expectations.

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Ask Alan: What awful characters became lovable by the end?

What TV finales could 'The Good Wife' copy? Will anyone save 'Manhattan'?
<p>Ask Alan</p>

Ask Alan

Credit: ABC

Happy Friday, everybody, and time for another installment of Ask Alan. This week, I was able to squeeze in four questions, starting with the flipside to another recent topic: characters who once ruined shows for me, but that I came to love. After that, we talk about other famous series finales that "The Good Wife" could model its end after, the difficulty of finding quality drama safe for the whole family to watch, and whether anyone might come and rescue "Manhattan" after WGN canceled it.

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What Hollywood can learn from James Gunn

What Hollywood can learn from James Gunn
Credit: 20th Century Fox, Marvel Comics

The entertainment industry has been set on cracking the secret of Deadpool’s success for the past week. In fact, the speculation began as early as Monday morning, before the four-day weekend totals were officially accounted for.

An article in Deadline featured several executives theorizing on the formula, presumably in the hopes that it is a repeatable one. In response, Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn came forward with a few choice words for the industry as a whole.

See our original article here and an excerpt from Gunn’s Facebook post below:

 "The film has a self-deprecating tone that’s riotous. It’s never been done before. It’s poking fun at Marvel. That label takes itself so seriously, can you imagine them making fun of themselves in a movie? They’d rather stab themselves.”
     That's a quote from Deadline Hollywood, attributing it to a Hollywood "suit." I love Deadline and get a lot of my film business news from them. And I love Deadpool even more - the film is hilariously funny, has lots of heart, and is exactly what we need right now, taking true risks in spectacle film - but COME THE FUCK ON. That's no reason to rewrite history. This quote has to have been said by the dumbest fucking Hollywood exec in the history of dumb fucking Hollywood execs.
Let's ignore Guardians for a moment, a movie that survives from moment to moment building itself up and cutting itself down - God knows I'm biased about that one. But what do you think Favreau and Downey did in Iron Man? What the fuck was Ant-Man??!
     Come on, Deadline. 
     After every movie smashes records people here in Hollywood love to throw out the definitive reasons why the movie was a hit. I saw it happen with Guardians. It "wasn't afraid to be fun" or it "was colorful and funny" etc etc etc. And next thing I know I hear of a hundred film projects being set up "like Guardians," and I start seeing dozens of trailers exactly like the Guardians trailer with a big pop song and a bunch of quips. Ugh.
     Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
     Deadpool wasn't that. Deadpool was its own thing. THAT'S what people are reacting to. It's original, it's damn good, it was made with love by the filmmakers, and it wasn't afraid to take risks.
     For the theatrical experience to survive, spectacle films need to expand their definition of what they can be. They need to be unique and true voices of the filmmakers behind them. They can't just be copying what came before them. So, over the next few months, if you pay attention to the trades, you'll see Hollywood misunderstanding the lesson they should be learning with Deadpool. They'll be green lighting films "like Deadpool" - but, by that, they won't mean "good and original" but "a raunchy superhero film" or "it breaks the fourth wall." They'll treat you like you're stupid, which is the one thing Deadpool didn't do.
     But hopefully in the midst of all this there will be a studio or two that will take the right lesson from this - like Fox did with Guardians by green-lighting Deadpool - and say - "Boy, maybe we can give them something they don't already have."
     And that's who is going to succeed.

In the video above, The Girls on Film, Alicia Malone, Roth Cornet, and Miri Jedeikin talk about James Gunn's comments on the success of Deadpool and what lesson's they'd like Hollywood to take.

You can also take a look at our full show below where we tackle Meryl Streep’s recent comments on diversity and women in film and the @femscriptintros phenomena.

Chat with us here or on Twitter:

Roth: @RothCornet

Miri: @MiriTheJedi

Alicia: @AliciaMalone

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HBO renews 'Vinyl' despite low-rated premiere



Credit: HBO

Proving once again that ratings are only of vague importance in pay cable, HBO has ordered a second season of Vinyl, only a day after the disappointing ratings for the series premiere of the Martin Scorsese-produced '70s rock drama were released.

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'The Dark Tower' may have found its female lead, but there might be a problem

She's white.
Abbey Lee
Credit: Warner Bros.

Stephen King’s series The Dark Tower has been in development since the dawn of time. Not really, but sometimes it feels that. Folks have tried to get the Man in Black to flee across the desert and the Gunslinger to follow since at least 2007 with J.J. Abrams attached to direct. The latest incarnation is currently slated for 2017, directed by Nikolaj Arcel. Things are looking up as casting rumors are starting to pop up like mushrooms after a development purgatory rainstorm.

But there’s something weird about this latest rumor. Why on Earth would the “female lead” be white?

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Exclusive: It's a good day for SURPRISE ARREST in this 'Vikings' clip

Someone's luck just ran out.
Vikings Season 4
Credit: History Channel

Tonight Vikings returns to the History Channel with a new season of teaching you about Norse politics with fabulous hair and excessive amounts of entertaining violence. If only history class had been this much fun!

Ahead of tonight’s premiere, HitFix Harpy has an exclusive clip

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