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Frequently Asked Questions

The information about an artist or album on AllMusic is incorrect. [+]

Factual information about credits, birthdates and birthplaces, charts, album covers, sound clips and music videos are on the end of our data provider, Rovi. You may submit artist- and album-related corrections to Rovi editors using Submit Corrections links available in the sidebar on artist and album pages, and corrections related to other types of data via our feedback form.

Rovi prides themselves on accuracy, so please include your information source in your submission. Please do not contact AllMusic about the status of data corrections; we don't control which data is corrected or how long it takes to apply corrections, and we can't move up your correction in priority or within a specific time frame. Rovi appreciates the time you take to send this information to them, but due to the immense volume of correspondence they receive, they're unable to directly respond to most of your submissions.

How does an artist get added to AllMusic? [+]

Artist information such as photos, written biographies, discographies, credits, group membership, similar artists and other musician-related data come from our data provider, Rovi. Please see the details on submitting information to them on our Product Submissions page.

Rovi tries to add artist information, but can't make any promises about which artists and titles will receive this level of enhanced editorial coverage. However, you may send them your information for consideration by following the steps on the Product Submissions page.

How does an album get added to AllMusic? [+]

Album information such as reviews, tracks, credits, sound samples, similar albums and other album-related data come from our data provider, Rovi. Please see the details on submitting information to them on our Product Submissions page.

Rovi tries to add recordings, as well as review as many CDs possible, but can't make any promises about which artists and titles will receive this level of enhanced editorial coverage. However, you may send them your information for consideration by following the steps on the Product Submissions page.

The genre for an artist / album is wrong. [+]

Errors to written content like reviews and biographies, tagged metadata like Genres, Styles, Moods, Themes and Similar artists are on the end of our data provider, Rovi. You may submit artist- and album-related corrections to Rovi editors using Submit Corrections links available in the sidebar on artist and album pages, and corrections related to other types of data via our feedback form.

Rovi prides themselves on accuracy, so please include your information source in your submission. Please do not contact AllMusic about the status of data corrections; we don't control which data is corrected or how long it takes to apply corrections, and we can't move up your correction in priority or within a specific time frame. Rovi appreciates the time you take to send this information to them, but due to the immense volume of correspondence they receive, they're unable to directly respond to most of your submissions.

How do I submit an album to AllMusic? [+]

Albums should be sent to our data provider, Rovi. Please see the details on our Product Submissions page. Rovi tries to add recordings and review as many CDs possible, but can't make any promises about which artists and titles will receive an enhanced level of editorial coverage.

How do I submit a biography or photo to AllMusic? [+]

Artist biographies and artist/recording images are provided by our data provider, Rovi. Rovi tries to add artist information completely as possible, but can't make any promises about which artists and titles will receive this level of enhanced editorial coverage. However, you may send them your information for consideration by following the steps on the Product Submissions page.

How do I update a biography on AllMusic? [+]

Updates to biographies should be sent to our data provider, Rovi. You may submit artist-related updates to Rovi editors using the Submit Corrections links available in the sidebar on artist pages.

How do I update an artist photo on AllMusic? [+]

New and updated photos should be sent to our data provider, Rovi. You may submit photos (at least 400px wide) to this address [email protected].

How do I update my credits on AllMusic? [+]

Updates to credits should be sent to our data provider, Rovi. You may submit credit-related corrections to Rovi editors using the Submit Corrections links available in the sidebar on artist and album pages. Please try to be as specific as possible in your submission. Submissions that are vague or inconclusive cannot be acted upon and may be rejected.

Spotify/MTV/iTunes/etc said I need to submit my album/info to AllMusic before it shows up on their site. [+]

These services get their information from the same place we do, a company called Rovi who create and provide album and artist information to us. Please see the details on submitting information to them on our Product Submissions page.

Rovi tries to add artists and recordings, as well as review as many CDs possible, but can't make any promises about which artists and titles will receive this level of enhanced editorial coverage. However, you may send them your information for consideration by following the steps on the Product Submissions page.

How do I add lyrics to AllMusic? [+]

The lyrics on AllMusic come from our friends at LyricFind. Information on adding lyrics can be found here.

How do I get wrong lyrics corrected? [+]

The lyrics on AllMusic come from our friends at LyricFind. Information on correcting lyrics can be found here.

AllMusic has my credits assigned to multiple people. How do I combine them? [+]

Artists who have recorded under different names or who are credited differently across different liner notes may be attributed to different AllMusic pages. To get them properly combined, please follow the information on the Submit Corrections links available in the sidebar on the artist page.

Please be as detailed as possible to aid the data team in combining the credits where appropriate.

AllMusic has my credits combined with somebody elses. How can these be split up? [+]

Artists with the same or very similar names are accidentially combined on occasion . To get them properly split, please follow the information on the Submit Corrections links available in the sidebar on the artist page.

Please be as detailed as possible to aid the data team in splitting the credits correctly.

How do you determine an AllMusic rating? [+]

Rovi editors use a 1 to 5 star system. It is important to note that albums are rated only within the scope of an artist's own work; we won't compare a Miles Davis album to the latest album by Britney Spears.

Editors may choose to revisit an artist's discography, especially if an artist releases a great new album, to re-factor the earlier releases to better fit within the band's history. For example: in 1993 an editor may have given Radiohead's Pablo Honey four-and-a-half stars when it came out, being one of the best Britpop albums to date. As time goes on and Radiohead releases The Bends, OK Computer, Kid A, etc, Pablo Honey may not warrant being their highest-rated album. The text of the review is still valid, but the older rating gets adjusted.

How do you determine an album or track pick? [+]

When looking at an artist's discography, you may see a blue arrow with the AllMusic logo next to the album cover. That represents the Album Pick for the most representative album of that artist's entire body of work. It may be a well-known hit album, a compilation of the artist's best songs or just a really great record.

On specific album pages you may see that same blue logo and highlighting next to two or three tracks on a recording. Those are Track Picks, the songs on a recording that our editors feel are most representative of the entire album.

What is Editors' Choice? [+]

Each month, our team of writers and editors select the albums that most captured their attention. We feature these selections on our Editors' Choice page, and with a special badge on our Featured New Releases page each week.

What are Staff Picks? [+]

Every day our editorial team selects a different album to highlight on the home page of AllMusic. This may be a recent discovery, a time-honored classic or a buried treasure. Think of it as an “album of the day.”

What does "Associated With" mean (under Related on an artist page)? [+]

If the artist is an individual, this term refers to either major artists they've played with or artists with whom they've formed musical/personal partnerships. If this is in reference to a group, 'Associated With' usually refers to other bands that have shared members, or major individual artists that also spent time in the group.

What does "Collaborated With" mean (under Related on an artist page)? [+]

This represents a behind-the-scenes musical partnership, or a relationship that didn't receive feature billing.

What does "Followed By" mean (under Related on an artist page)? [+]

Artists who were influenced by the selected artist. This may be directly called out from research and interviews, or it may be a strong inference based on the opinion of the editors.

What does "Influenced By" mean (under Related on an artist page)? [+]

Artists that have had a direct musical influence on, or were an inspiration to, the selected artist, as determined by our music editors.

What does "Similar To" mean (under Related on an artist page)? [+]

Artists that share similarities with the selected artists. These are artists that sound similar, were part of a particular scene, or share a similar style or aesthetic.

What does "Group Members" mean? [+]

Past and current members of the selected band.

What does "Member Of" mean? [+]

Band(s) that the selected artist is, or has been, a member of.

What are Genres? [+]

Genres should be seen as the broad categorization of music into a grouping. Things like jazz, blues, country and pop/rock are all examples of the 21 genres that AllMusic breaks music into.

What are Styles? [+]

Styles are more specific sub-categories of music that fall under the broad genres. They usually relate to a specific time period (like power pop, old-school rap) or a regional breakdown of where the music was heard (such as northern soul or new wave of British heavy metal).

What are Themes? [+]

Activities or events particularly suited for a song, album or overall body of work.

What are Moods? [+]

Adjectives that describe the sound and feel of a song, album, or overall body of work.

What are User Ratings? [+]

By creating an AllMusic account, we invite you to tell us what you think about the albums on our site. How do you feel about Zaireeka by the Flaming Lips? Love Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music but hate Songs for Drella? Did D’Angelo’s Voodoo change your life? Now you can rate albums on the same five star rating scale as our editors do.

You can also see how other AllMusic users have rated albums and the number of times users have rated an album, find out if the AllMusic audience agrees with our editorial ratings, or sort an artist’s discography by average user rating.

More information can be found here.

How do you come up with your album recommendations? [+]

By rating albums, we’ll find other albums you may be interested in. Our system takes into account the ratings you've assigned to albums and connects those albums to other records you might be interested in. The more albums you rate, the more precise our suggestions can become.

More information can be found here.

What are Lists? [+]

Lists is a feature on AllMusic that lets you create custom lists of albums you want to check out, keep track of your favorite records from this year, or curate your all-time top desert island discs. To begin, navigate to an album page and click the "Add To List" button. From there you can create your first list and then add up to 100 albums to that list. Lists titles can be up to 100 characters, and the optional description can be 500 characters long.

More information can be found here.

What is My Collection? [+]

Dedicated music fans who want to track which albums they own can now add albums to their collection list with a single click by visiting an album page. Or, If you are a massive collector who scoffs at the idea of adding albums one at a time, you can also use our Collection Builder tool. Your collection is available for you to browse and sort on both the AllMusic website and on your mobile device by going into your profile area. Sort your albums by year, artist name, album title or your own rating.

More information can be found here.

What are New Release Notifications? Why should I "Follow" an artist? [+]

Registered users can "Follow" a band or musician on the artist page by clicking the "Follow Artist" button under an artist's name. If an artist you are following releases a new album or single, AllMusic will let you know about it. A notification flag will light up at the top of the site allowing you to click through to the album pages, read the reviews, and hear samples of the songs.

More information can be found here.

What is a User Profile? [+]

User Profiles allow you to share your lists and collection. Navigate to the Profile Settings page in your user account and create your unique URL. You can see your profile page by clicking on "My Profile" at the top of any page. Once you’ve created your user profile, your public lists will be displayed in alphabetical order. Your lists are all private by default, but by toggling them to “Public” you’ll be able to let the world know your personal take on what’s worth listening to.

More information can be found here.

Why am I getting a 404 page? [+]

Occasionally we have server issues or problems with our data provider's service which causes pages to fail. Usually these interruptions are brief so we suggest maybe waiting a minute or two and then refreshing the page. If the problem persists, please contact us via our support page or by filling out our feedback form.

I need help with a function on AllMusic that just isn't working. [+]

Sometimes we hear about problems like this if a user is using a very old browser version. We support current versions of most browsers, but if you're using something like Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox v23, your system may not be capable of running modern websites.

Users also often see issues if they are using an ad block software or if they have Javascript turned off.

If the problem persists, please contact us via our support page or by filling out our feedback form and include the following information:
- The URL of the page that is causing issues
- Your operating system (Mac, Windows)
- Your browser version
- Whether you're on a a mobile device, tablet or a desktop/laptop computer.

Track samples aren't working. [+]

Sometimes we hear about problems like this if a user is using a very old browser version. We support current versions of most browsers, but if you're using something like Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox v23, your system may not be capable of running modern websites.

Users also often see issues if they are using an ad block software or if they have Javascript turned off.

If the problem persists, please contact us via our support page or by filling out our feedback form and include the following information:
- The URL of the page that is causing issues
- Your operating system (Mac, Windows)
- Your browser version
- Whether you're on a a mobile device, tablet or a desktop/laptop computer.

How do I download or purchase music on your site? [+]

We do not sell any products directly on our site. When applicable, we provide links to streaming services and places to buy the music. If you're not seeing that on the album page you're viewing, the album may not be available at those sources.

How can I submit an idea for a new feature on AllMusic? [+]

Feature requests or any feedback related to AllMusic can be sent via our feedback form or by posting your idea on our Get Satisfaction page.

How can I submit a suggestion for an improvement to an existing feature on AllMusic? [+]

Feature requests or any feedback related to AllMusic can be sent via our feedback form or by posting your idea on our Get Satisfaction page.

I can't log in to my AllMusic account. [+]

If you had an account dating back before 2007 and you're trying to log in with those credentials, it will not work. That system is no longer in place.

If you have a recent account and can't log in, we suggest trying to recover your password.

If all else fails, please contact us using this form and let us know the email address you're using to sign in.

I don't agree with an album review. [+]

That's the great thing about being a music fan; you can have an opinion about an album that might not be the same as another person's opinion. Rovi editors take into account the history of the band, the sound of the performance, song selection and a number of other factors when writing their reviews. Keep in mind that each of our reviews represents an educated opinion, but a subjective opinion nonetheless.

How do I sign up for the New Releases Newsletter? [+]

To sign up for our weekly email newsletter featuring all of the new albums for that week, sign up on this page and make sure the "Sign me up to receive weekly e-mails highlighting new releases" box is checked.

If you already have an AllMusic Account, visit the Newsletters section in your user account section and make sure the correct box is checked.

To unsubscribe, visit the Newsletters section in your user account section, un-check the box and click Update Preferences. 

I don't agree with an album rating. [+]

That's the great thing about being a music fan; you can have an opinion about an album that might not be the same as another person's opinion.

Rovi editors use a 1 to 5 star system. It is important to note that albums are rated only within the scope of an artist's own work; we won't compare a Miles Davis album to the latest album by Britney Spears.

Editors may choose to revisit an artist's discography, especially if an artist releases a great new album, to re-factor the earlier releases to better fit within the band's history. For example: in 1993 an editor may have given Radiohead's Pablo Honey four-and-a-half stars when it came out, being one of the best Britpop albums to date. As time goes on and Radiohead releases The Bends, OK Computer, Kid A, etc, Pablo Honey may not warrant being their highest-rated album. The text of the review is still valid, but the older rating gets adjusted.

What is the password for my AllMusic account? [+]

If you can't remember your password, we suggest trying to recover it here.

If all else fails, please contact us using this form and let us know the email address you're using to sign in.

I don't agree with the Genre or Styles for an artist/album. [+]

The AllMusic genre is considered to be a broad umbrella term that may have several styles under it. Occasionally we hear things like "This band isn't pop/rock, they are heavy metal" or "This album isn't rap, it is hip-hop" Our Styles may be more along the lines of what you're looking for.

If you are an artist and you feel as though your genre is not properly represented please contact our data provider using the corrections form.

How do I take control of an artist page? [+]

AllMusic accounts are not connected to artist pages, and AllMusic does not allow public editing. Updates to an artist page are on the end of our data provider, Rovi. You may contact them about updating an artist page by completing our feedback form. If you're a new artist or otherwise don't see a page with your information on the site, reach the Rovi editors by following the steps at our Product Submissions page.

Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? [+]

Due to the request of Mr. Adams, we are no longer permitted to display his information on AllMusic.

Can I get permission to use a song via AllMusic? [+]

Neither AllMusic nor Rovi own the rights to any music compositions, recordings, or other performances, As a start, try contacting ASCAP, BMI and SESAC for these kind of inquiries.

Can I get the rights to republish an AllMusic biography or review? [+]

All biographies, reviews and classical performance/composition descriptions come from a company called Rovi. You can make requsts to them here.

How do I get in touch with an artist? [+]

We do not have any way to get into contact with musicians, bands or labels. You may want to try finding out if they have a Facebook page or Twitter account and contact them that way.

Can I write for AllMusic? [+]

Our album reviews and artist biographies are provided by a company called Rovi. Their careers page is available here.

How do I upload tracks or digital releases to be displayed on AllMusic? [+]

For adding digital-only releases to the database, please contact our data provider Rovi here: [email protected].

How do I submit a video to AllMusic? [+]

AllMusic does not have a method of allowing artists upload videos to the site. The videos we display are a from one-time import from a video provider and have not been updated recently.

Please remove an artist or album from AllMusic (aka takedown request) [+]

If your album or artist information is on AllMusic, congratulations! AllMusic is an archival resource about artists and albums that have been available throughout history, much like an encyclopedia. Despite the fact that your album may no longer be commercially available, some of our users may be fans of this album and would be glad to see it listed.

We do not sell copies of albums on AllMusic, nor do we provide illegal downloads or anything like that. Before formally requesting a takedown, please consider the fact that this information may be useful and interesting to the AllMusic community. If you have further questions, feel free to contact us using this form.

How did my album get on AllMusic? [+]

Album information such as reviews, tracks, credits, sound samples, similar albums and other album-related data come from our data provider, Rovi, who provide music information to us as well as a number of other music sites and services. Rovi acquires a lot of the music information they provide from record labels and distributors, such as CD Baby. If your album information is on AllMusic, it is likely from one of these sources.

How do I get Spotify links added to a page on AllMusic? [+]

Our links to Spotify are automatically generated. We don't have a method of updating these links manually one-by-one at this time.

How do I get Rdio links added to a page on AllMusic? [+]

Our links to Rdio are automatically generated. We don't have a method of updating these links manually one-by-one at this time.

How do I get iTunes links added to a page on AllMusic? [+]

Our links to iTunes are automatically generated. We don't have a method of updating these links manually one-by-one at this time.

How do I get a music video added to AllMusic? [+]

AllMusic does not have a method of allowing artists upload videos to the site. The videos we display are a from one-time import from a video provider and have not been updated recently.

Whom do I contact about being interviewed on AllMusic? [+]

For interviews, please drop us a line: [email protected]

Whom do I contact about doing an album premiere on AllMusic? [+]

Want to premiere a video, song or album on AllMusic? Drop us a line: [email protected]