Palm Springs Film Festival to Screen 40 of the 80 Oscars Foreign-Language Entries

Awards Buzz section of the festival will include “Son of Saul,” “Mustang,” “The Brand New Testament” and 37 other contenders

The Palm Springs International Film Festival will screen 40 of the 80 official submissions in the Academy’s Best Foreign Language Film category, PSIFF organizers announced on Tuesday.

The festival’s Awards Buzz section always features dozens of the Oscar contenders in the category, focusing on films that its programmers have judged to be the strongest in the competition.

The Oscar shortlist in the category will be announced a week or two before PSIFF begins on Jan. 1, and the festival typically has all nine shortlisted films on its program.

This year’s Awards Buzz films will include the Oscar frontrunner, Hungary’s “Son of Saul.” Other European films will include France’s “Mustang,” Belgium’s “The Brand New Testament,” the Czech Republic’s “Home Care,” Denmark’s “A War,” Germany’s “Labyrinth of Lies,” Iceland’s “Rams,” Ireland’s “Viva,” Poland’s “11 Minutes” and Sweden’s “A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence.”

From the Americas, the festival will screen Argentina’s “The Clan,” Brazil’s “The Second Mother,” Canada’s “Felix and Meira,” Chile’s “The Club,” Colombia’s “Embrace of the Serpent,” Guatemala’s “Ixcanul” and Mexico’s “600 Miles,” among others.

The Asian films to screen at the festival will include Jordan’s “Theeb” and Taiwan’s “The Assassin.”

The Palm Springs International Film Festival will begin on Jan. 1 and run through Jan. 11 in the desert resort town east of Los Angeles.

The lineup of Awards Buzz films, alphabetically by country:

“Bota” (Albania), Directors: Iris Elezi, Thomas Logoreci
“The Clan” (Argentina), Director: Pablo Trapero
“The Brand New Testament” (Belgium), Director: Jaco Van Dormael
“Our Everyday Life” (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Director: Ines Tanović
“The Second Mother” (Brazil), Director: Anna Muylaert
“The Judgement” (Bulgaria), Director: Stephan Komandarev
“Felix and Meira” (Canada), Director: Maxime Giroux
“The Club” (Chile), Director: Pablo Larraín
“Embrace of the Serpent” (Colombia), Director: Ciro Guerra
“The High Sun” (Croatia), Director: Dalibor Matanic
“Home Care” (Czech Republic), Director: Director: Slávek Horák
“A War” (Denmark), Director: Tobias Lindholm
“1944” (Estonia), Director: Elmo Nüganen
“Lamb” (Ethiopia), Director: Yared Zeleke
“The Fencer” (Finland), Director: Klaus Härö
“Mustang” (France), Director: Deniz Gamze Erguven
“Labyrinth of Lies” (Germany), Director: Giulio Ricciarelli
“Ixcanul” (Guatemala), Director: Jayro Bustamante
“Son of Saul” (Hungary), Director: László Nemes
“Rams” (Iceland), Director: Grimur Hákonarson
“Viva” (Ireland), Director: Paddy Breathnach
“Baba Joon” (Israel), Director: Yuval Delshad
“100 Yen Love” (Japan), Director: Masaharu Take
“Theeb” (Jordan), Director: Naji Abu Nowar
“Babai” (Kosovo), Director: Visar Morina
“Heavenly Nomadic” (Kyrgyzstan), Director: Mirlan Abdykalykov
“600 Miles” (Mexico), Director: Gabriel Ripstein
“The Paradise Suite” (Netherlands), Director: Joost van Ginkel
“The Wave” (Norway), Director: Roar Uthaug
“Moor” (Pakistan), Director: Jami Mahmood
“11 Minutes” (Poland), Director: Jerzy Skolimowski
“Arabian Nights: Volume 2 – The Desolate One” (Portugal), Director: Miguel Gomes
“Aferim!” (Romania), Director: Radu Jude
“Enclave” (Serbia), Director: Goran Radovanović
“Flowers” (Spain), Directors: Jon Garaño, Jose Mari Goenaga
“A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence” (Sweden), Director: Roy Andersson
“Iraqi Odyssey” (Switzerland), Director: Samir
“The Assassin” (Taiwan), Director: Hou Hsiao-hsien
“How to Win at Checkers (Every Time)” (Thailand), Director: Josh Kim
“Sivas” (Turkey), Director: Kaan Müjdeci

Cannes Wrap Magazine Directors Portfolio: 10 Esteemed Auteurs Showing at the Festival (Photos)