Jeb Bush Calls Donald Trump a Jerk: ‘Who Is He Kidding?’

Republican presidential candidate skewers competitor at campaign rally in New Hampshire

Jeb Bush took a shot at fellow Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during a campaign stop in New Hampshire on Saturday.

“Just one other thing, I gotta get this off my chest: Donald Trump is a jerk,” said Bush in front of a rally. “You cannot insult your way to the presidency. You can’t disparage women, Hispanics, disabled people. Who is he kidding?”

The rant came after Bush answered a question a man asked about how the former Florida governor would help people with disabilities, and seemed to also make reference to Trump’s alleged mocking of a disabled reporter last month. Trump has denied the claims.

It’s the latest shot fired in a string of back and forth insults between Trump and Bush in recent days.

“The last thing our country needs is another BUSH! Dumb as a rock!” Trump tweeted Friday.

“Donald is great at the one-liners. But he’s a chaos candidate,” Bush said at Tuesday’s debate on CNN. “And he’d be a chaos president. He would not be the commander-in-chief we need to keep our country safe.”

Bush’s supporters seem to enjoy his taking shots at Trump, and his “jerk” rant was met with laughter and applause in New Hampshire.

“I feel better now. I gave myself therapy there. Thank you for allowing me to do it,” he said.

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