Tiny Desk

Tiny Desk

Intimate video performances, recorded live at the desk of All Songs Considered host Bob Boilen

Tiny Desk Concert with My Bubba Jun Tsuboike/NPR/NPR hide caption

itoggle caption Jun Tsuboike/NPR/NPR

My Bubba

My Bubba is a duo of women whose quirky, delicate, sweetly sung folk songs are a delight.

Tiny Desk Concert with Chris and Morgane Stapleton Lani Milton/NPR hide caption

itoggle caption Lani Milton/NPR

Chris Stapleton

With his wife Morgane, the country singer-songwriter sings patient, detailed songs of devotion.

Tiny Desk Concert with Diane Coffee. Jun Tsuboike/NPR hide caption

itoggle caption Jun Tsuboike/NPR

Diane Coffee

Conjuring David Bowie, Diane Coffee's Shaun Fleming swaggered and shimmied behind the Tiny Desk.

Tiny Desk Concert with The Suffers NPR/NPR hide caption

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The Suffers

The 10-piece band can barely fit all its horns, guitars, percussion and energy behind one desk.

Tiny Desk Concert with Beauty Pill Julia Reihs/NPR hide caption

itoggle caption Julia Reihs/NPR

Beauty Pill

In Beauty Pill, life whirs with plunderphonic glee and riffs are funky from the inside out.

Tiny Desk Concert with Paolo Angeli NPR hide caption

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Paolo Angeli

The Sardinian guitarist has a whole toy shop aboard his instrument.

Tiny Desk Concert with Oh Pep! Jun Tsuboike/NPR/NPR hide caption

itoggle caption Jun Tsuboike/NPR/NPR

Oh Pep!

The band's clever, thoughtful music fits in everywhere from Nashville to its hometown of Melbourne.

Julia Reihs/NPR

Andra Day

Day's songs feel candid and vulnerable, but not understated.

Tiny Desk Concert with Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah. Julia Reihs/NPR hide caption

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Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah

The trumpeter presents his emotionally charged, jazz-hybridized "stretch music" in performance.

Tiny Desk Concert with Deqn Sue. Jun Tsuboike/NPR hide caption

itoggle caption Jun Tsuboike/NPR

Deqn Sue

She came so close to winning NPR Music's Tiny Desk Concert Contest, we just had to see her play.

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