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NPR reporter Lourdes Garcia-Navarro flies over Porto Velho, the capital of the Brazilian state of Rondonia.

Citing the body camera footage of the episode, the Louisiana State Police superintendent said, "It is one of the most disturbing scenes I have seen."

Two of four local deputies involved in Tuesday's shooting have been identified and charged with second-degree murder. The police chase that…

The photos have refocused attention on Hardy, a year and a half after he was arrested and charged with assaulting his ex-girlfriend, Nicole Holder.

Deadspin published photos it says are of Nicole Holder's bruised body. Hardy was found guilty of assaulting her, but the conviction was thrown out. The photos have refocused attention on the attack.

The refugee crisis in the Mediterranean brings to mind this author's family history: The hard decisions about escape that his father witnessed in a Jewish ghetto in World War II, and the terrible result on the Black Sea.

During WWII, the father of commentator Alva Noë was a young boy, driven out of his home in Romania along with other Jews. There's one question that haunts him — and may plague Syria's refugees today.

Another hot, dry year like the last two could wipe out winter salmon runs in California's Sacramento River.

Thanks to a blazing hot summer and unusually warm water, early counts of juvenile winter-run Chinook are at extreme low levels. To protect them, regulators may restrict ocean fishing.