Sebastian Preuber/Flickr; Daniel Ramirez/Flickr

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Did The Language You Speak Evolve Because Of The Heat?

People speak very differently depending on where they live, and the climate and environment might have something to do with that. Crisp English consonants don't carry well in the rain forest.

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Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

TED Radio Hour

Andrew Solomon: Why Is It So Hard To Talk About Depression?

Writer and psychologist Andrew Solomon describes how he hid from — and eventually confronted — his own serious depression.

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"I know for myself, I have a very colorful personality, rich ideas, and just a lot going on in my mind. But there's a gap between where that stands, and how I communicate it with the rest of the world." — Alix Generous Marla Aufmuth/TED hide caption

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TED Radio Hour

Alix Generous: How Do Stereotypes Of Mental Health Affect Us?

Twenty-three-year-old Alix Generous describes her years-long journey through misdiagnosis in the mental health system and how it affected her sense of confidence and self-worth.

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Courtesy of TED

"How is it that we spend more time taking care of our teeth than we do our minds?" — Guy Winch Courtesy of Julia Gliebova Photography hide caption

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TED Radio Hour

Guy Winch: Is It Possible To Put A Band-Aid on A Bad Feelings?

Psychologist Guy Winch makes the case for practicing emotional hygiene — taking care of our emotions with the same diligence we take care of our bodies.

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James Duncan Davidson/TED

TED Radio Hour

Andrew Solomon: Is There A Healthy Way To Think About Depression?

Writer and psychologist Andrew Solomon explains how the more he talked about his depression, the more others wanted to tell their own stories.

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Human stem cells, in this case made from adult skin cells, can give rise to any sort of human cell. Some scientists would like to insert such cells into nonhuman, animal embryos, in hopes of one day growing human organs for transplantation. Science Source hide caption

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Microbiologist Mi Kang works to identify a strain of E. coli from a specimen in a lab at the Washington State Department of Health on Tuesday in Shoreline, Wash. Elaine Thompson/AP hide caption

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Chris Nickels for NPR

Shots - Health News

Powerful 'Gene Drive' Can Quickly Change An Entire Species

A genetic engineering technique raises hopes for eliminating diseases, such as malaria. But it is also sparking fears of unintended consequences if delicately balanced ecosystems are disrupted.

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Women can get a free pregnancy test and a free ultrasound at the clinic, as well as counseling regarding three options — parenting, adoption and abortion. The clinic will not refer clients for abortions. Becky Sullivan/NPR hide caption

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The dwarf tapeworm, or Hymenolepis nana, is the most common tapeworm in humans. It's 2 inches long at most. Courtesy Peter Olson, Natural History Museum, London hide caption

itoggle caption Courtesy Peter Olson, Natural History Museum, London

Goats and Soda

A Man In Colombia Got Cancer And It Came From A Tapeworm

He came into the hospital in bad shape. In addition to being HIV-positive, he had what looked like a malignant tumor. The tumor, it turned out, was not human.

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